Words, Terms, & Phrases

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“Sounds Great!” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Sounds Great!" is written using the Latin script as: Fekra 3azime! Using the Arabic script, it is written as: !فكرة عظيمة Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That sounds great!" Hayde fekra 3azime! !هيدي فكرة عظيمة   "This music sounds great!" Hayde 2al mousi2a 3azime! !هيدي...

“Faster”, “Fastest” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Faster" is written using the Latin script as: 2asra3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أسرع In Lebanese Arabic, "Fastest" is written using the Latin script as: 2al 2asra3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  الأسرع Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements  ...

“Has” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Has" is written using the Latin script as: 3ando Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عندو Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The residence has a driveway." 2al bet 3ando tari2 khas. .البيت عندو طريق خاص   "The restaurant has a patio." 2al bet...

“In” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "In" is written using the Latin script as: Bi Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The tomatoes are in the bag." 2al banadoura bel kees. .البندورة بالكيس   "See you in an hour." Bshoufak ba3ad shi se3a....

“Almond”, “Almonds” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Almond" is written using the Latin script as: Loz Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  لوز In Lebanese Arabic, "Almonds" is written using the Latin script as: Loz Using the Arabic script, it is written as:   لوز Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements...

“Sometime” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Sometime" is written using the Latin script as: Shi wa2et Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شي وقت Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'd love to eat at that restaurant sometime." Bheb 2ekol bihal mat3am 2aw2et. .بحب اكل بهل مطعم أوقات   "Do...

“There” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "There" is written using the Latin script as: Honik Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هونيك Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There should be more light bulbs in the closet." Lezim yikoun fi lambet 2aktar bel khezene. .لازم يكون في لمبات اكتر بالخزانة...

“Far” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Far" is written using the Latin script as: B3id Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بعيد Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How far is it?" 2adesh b3id? أديش بعيد؟   "Is it far?" B3id? بعيد؟   "How far is the beach from here?"...

“Maybe” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Maybe" is written using the Latin script as: Yimkin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يمكن Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Maybe that is right." Yimkin hayda sah. .يمكن هيدا صح   "Maybe. Let's wait and see." Yimkin. Khalina nentor. .يمكن. خلينا ننطر ونشوف...

“Those” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Those" is written using the Latin script as: Hawde Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هودي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Those are planes." Hawde tiyarat. .هودي طيارات   "Those are planes flying in the air." Hawde tiyarat 3ambitiro bel sama. .هودي طيارات...

“I” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I" is written as: Ben Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am good. Thanks." Ben iyiyim. Teşekkürler.   "I am ready now." Ben şimdi hazırım.   "I am ready to leave." Ben gitmeye hazırım.   "I will be ready in 10 minutes." Ben 10 dakika içinde...

“Today” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Today" is written as: Bugün Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Today is Monday." Bugün pazartesi.   "Today is May 29." Bugün 29 Mayıs.   "I arrive today!" Bugün varıyorum!   "We are going to go to an archaeological site today." Bugün arkeolojik bir alana gideceğiz.  ...

“Yesterday” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Yesterday" is written as: Dün Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I arrived yesterday." Dün vardım.   "It was hot yesterday." Dün sıcaktı.   "Yesterday was fun!" Dün eğlenceliydi!   "That was a good trip yesterday." Dün güzel bir geziydi.   "I finished reading this book yesterday."...

“Straight” (direction) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Straight" (the direction) is written as: Düz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Go straight." Düz gidin.   "Keep going straight." Düz devam edin.   "It's straight ahead." Tam karşınızda.   "The beach is straight ahead two kilometres." Sahil 2 km ileride.   "The GPS says to...

“Tea”, “Teas” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Tea" is written as: Çay In Turkish, "Teas" is written as: Çaylar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like Turkish tea." Ben Türk çayı severim.   "Can I have a tea?" Bir çay alabilir miyim?   "Can I have a tea with sugar?" Şekerli bir çay...

“Coffee”, “Coffees” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Coffee" is written as: Kahve In Turkish, "Coffees" is written as: Kahveler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like Turkish coffee." Türk kahvesi severim.   "Can I have a coffee, please?" Bir kahve alabilir miyim, lütfen?   "Can I have a coffee without sugar?" Şekersiz bir kahve...

“Can I have a coffee?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Can I have a coffee?" is written as: Bir kahve alabilir miyim? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Can I have coffee?” in Egyptian Arabic “Can I have a coffee?” in Lebanese Arabic “Can I have a coffee?” in Greek  

“Can I have a tea?” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Can I have a tea?" is written as: Bir çay alabilir miyim? Listen to this request pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Can I have a tea?” in Lebanese Arabic “Can I have a tea?” in Tunisian Arabic “Can I have a tea?” in Spanish  

“Sugar” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Sugar" is written as: Şeker Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a coffee with sugar?" Şekerli bir kahve alabilir miyim?   "Can I have a tea with sugar?" Şekerli bir çay alabilir miyim?   "Can I have a tea without sugar?" Şekersiz bir çay...

“Glass cup”, “Glass cups” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Glass cup" is written as: Cam bardak In Turkish, "Glass cups" is written as: Cam bardaklar Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A glass cup, please." Bir cam bardak, lütfen.   "This is a glass cup." Bu bir cam bardak.   "Can I have a tea...

“Paper cup”, “Paper cups” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Paper cup" is written as: Karton bardak In Turkish, "Paper cups" is written as: Karton bardaklar Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I get a tea in a paper cup?" Karton bardakta bir çay alabilir miyim?   "A paper cup, please." Bir karton bardak, lütfen....

“One more” in Turkish

In Turkish, "One more" is written as: Bir tane daha Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One more, please." Bir tane daha, lütfen.   "One more tea, please." Bir çay daha, lütfen.   "Can I have one more?" Bir tane daha alabilir miyim?   "Can I have one more...

“Another one” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Another one" is written as: Bir tane daha (Editor's note: In Turkish, a less common, but used phrase that also means Another one is Başka bir tane daha. In Turkish, Başka means Another.) Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Another one, please." Bir tane daha, lütfen.  ...

“I’ll be back” in Turkish

In Turkish, "I'll be back" is written as: Geri döneceğim Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll be back in 10 minutes." 10 dakika içinde döneceğim.   "I'll be back in a moment." Birazdan döneceğim.   "I'll be back soon." Yakında döneceğim.   "I'll be back later." Sonra döneceğim....

“Blue” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Blue" is written as: Mavi Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sea is blue." Deniz mavidir.   "That bird is blue." O kuş mavi.   "Those birds are blue." O kuşlar mavi.   "I like the colour blue." Mavi rengi severim.   "That colour is blue."...

“Red” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Red" is written as: Kırmızı Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is a red scarf." O kırmızı bir şal.   "That is a red car." O kırmızı bir araba.   "A stop sign is red." Dur işareti kırmızıdır.   "A stop light is red." Dur lambası...

“Black” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Black" (the colour) is written as: Siyah Listen to this colour pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Those birds are black." O kuşlar siyah.   "I like wearing black and blue." Siyah ve mavi giymeyi seviyorum.   "I bought these new black shoes." Bu yeni siyah ayakkabıları aldım.   "Nice new...

“White” in Turkish

In Turkish, "White" (the colour) is written as: Beyaz Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you please pass me the white vase?" Lütfen bana beyaz vazoyu uzatır mısın?   "Can you please pass me the white plate?" Lütfen bana beyaz tabağı uzatır mısın?   "Those are white flowers."...

“Green” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Green" is written as: Yeşil Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The leaves are green." Yapraklar yeşildir.   "Look at the green turtle!" Yeşil kaplumbağaya bak!   "This room has a lot of beautiful green plants." Bu odada bir sürü güzel yeşil bitki var.   "I like...

“Brown” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Brown" is written as: Kahverengi Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like your brown shoes." Kahverengi ayakkabılarını beğendim.   "That is a brown briefcase." O kahverengi bir evrak çantası.   "Tree trunks are usually brown." Ağaç gövdeleri genellikle kahverengidir.   "I like this shade of brown."...

“Grey” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Grey" is written as: Gri Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sky is grey." Gökyüzü gri.   "The sky is a nice shade of grey." Gökyüzü grinin güzel bir tonu.   "She is wearing a grey hijab." O gri bir başörtüsü takıyor.   "How do you...

“Dog”, “Dogs” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Dog" (the noun) is written as: Köpek In Turkish, "Dogs" (the noun) is written as: Köpekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like dogs!" Köpekleri seviyorum!   "I like your dog." Köpeğinizi seviyorum.   "What is your dog's name?" Köpeğinizin adı ne?   "How old is your...

“Approximately” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Approximately" is written using the Latin script as: Ta2riban Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تقريبًا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The plane will land at approximately 4pm." 2al tiyara tahet ta2riban 2al se3a 2arb3a ba3del deher. .الطيارة رح تحط تقريبًا الساعة أربعة بعد...

“This” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "This" is written using the Latin script as: Hayde Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هيدي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is a good meal." hayde wajbe jayid. .هيدي وجبة جيدة   "This is a beautiful view." Hayda 2al manzar helo. .هيدا...

“About” (approximation) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "About" (as in approximation) is written using the Latin script as: Hawalay Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حوالي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm about half way through the book." 2ana wselet hawalay lanes 2al kteb. .انا وصلت حوالي لنص الكتاب   "About...

“That” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "That" is written using the Latin script as: Hayda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هيدا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The village is that way." 2al day3a men haydal tari2. .الضيعة من هيدا الطريق   "That was a fun trip today." 2al...

“Also” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Also" is written using the Latin script as: Kamen Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كمان Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll have a coffee also." Bekhod 2ahwe kamen. .باخد قهوة كمان   "Can I have a coffee also?" Fine 2ekhod 2ahwe kamen? فيني...

“Then” (after) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Then" (as in after) is written using the Latin script as: Ba3den Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بعدين Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We're going to Türkiye then to Italy." Rahnrouh 3ala Turkiye ba3den 3ala Italy. .رح نروح على تركيا بعدين على ايطاليا...

“Confirmation”, “Confirmations” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Confirmation" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Ta2kid Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تأكيد In Lebanese Arabic, "Confirmations" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Ta2akoudet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تأكودات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“Perennial” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Perennial" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Dayme Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دايمة Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This plant is perennial." Hal nabte dayme. .هل نبتة دايمة   "These plants are perennial." Hawde 2al nabtet dayme. .هودي...

“Other” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Other" is written using the Latin script as: Gher Using the Arabic script, it is written as: غير Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s the other one." Gher wahde. .غير وحدة   "Check the other drawer." Tfahis gher jarour. .تفحص غير جارور   "Other than that,...

“Everyday” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Everyday" (the adverb) is written using the Latin script as: Kel yawm Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كل يوم Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I walk my dog every day." Bmashe kalbe kel yawm. .بمشي كلبي كل يوم   "I jog every...

“Until” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Until" is written using the Latin script as: Hata Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حتى Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We’re open until 8pm." Fethin hata 2al se3a tmene bel lel. .فاتحين حتى الساعة تمانة بالليل   "The store is open until 8pm."...

“Early” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Early" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Bakir Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بكير Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I will arrive early." Rah 2ousal bakir. .رح اوصل بكير   "I arrived early." Weselet bakir. .وصلت بكير   "We arrived...

“From” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "From" is written using the Latin script as: Men Using the Arabic script, it is written as: من Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Where are you from?" (m) Men wen 2enta? (f) Men wen 2ente? من وين أنت؟ (m) من وين أنتي؟ (f)   "Where is...

“Less” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Less" is written using the Latin script as: 2a2al Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أقل Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Less onions, please." (m) Basel 2al2al, 2arjouk. (f) Basel 2a2al, 2arjouke. .بصل أقل، أرجوك (m) .بصل أقل، أرجوكي (f) "Can I have less...

“Fast” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Fast" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Sari3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سريع Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was a fast flight." Kenit rehle sari3a. .كانت رحلة سريعة   "It’s going to be a fast flight." Rah tkoun...

“Annually” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Annually" is written using the Latin script as: Sanawiye Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سنوية Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My wife and I go on vacation somewhere annually." 2ana 2ou marte menrouh 3atle 3ala shi matrah sanawiyan. .أنا ومرتي منروح عطلة على...

“Spontaneous” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Spontaneous" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: 3afwe Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عفوي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was spontaneous!" Kenit 3afwiye! !كانت عفوية   "I like spontaneous moments." Bheb 2al hadat 2al 3afwiye. .بحب اللحظات العفوية...

“Mediterranean Sea” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Mediterranean Sea" is written using the Latin script as: Ba7r l moutawaset Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بحر المتوسط Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s the Mediterranean Sea!" Hayde ba7r l moutawaset! !هيدي بحر المتوسط   "Part of Greece borders the Mediterranean...

“Family”, “Families” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Family" is written using the Latin script as: 3ayla Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عايلة In Tunisian Arabic, "Families" is written using the Latin script as: 3aylet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عايلات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like...

“Manufacture”, “Manufactures”, “Manufacturing”, “Manufactured” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Manufacture" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Sani3 (f) San3e Using the Arabic script, it is written as: صنع (m) صنعي (f) In Lebanese Arabic, "Manufactures" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yasna3 (f) Tasna3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  يصنع (m)...

“Wake up”, “Wakes up”, “Waking up”, “Woke up” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Wake up" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) we3a (f) we3a Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  وعى (m)  وعى (f) In Lebanese Arabic, "Wakes up" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) You3a (f) Tou3a Using the Arabic script, it is written as:...

“Sweep”, “Sweeps”, “Sweeping”, “Swept” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Sweep" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Kanis (f) Kanse Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كنس (m)  كنسي (f) In Lebanese Arabic, "Sweeps" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yikanis (f) Tkanis Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يكنس (m)...

“Storm”, “Storms” (nouns) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Storm" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 3asfe Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عاصفة In Lebanese Arabic, "Storms" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 3awesif Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عواصف Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“Broom”, “Brooms” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Broom" is written using the Latin script as: Mkanse Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مكنسة In Lebanese Arabic, "Brooms" is written using the Latin script as: Mkenis Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مكانس Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Where is...

“Brick”, “Bricks” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Brick" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 2ermid Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قرميد In Lebanese Arabic, "Bricks" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 2aramid Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  قراميد Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or...

“Immediately” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Immediately" is written using the Latin script as: Fawran Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فورًا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you come immediately?" (m) Fik teje fawran? (f) Fike teje fawran? فيك تيجي فورًا؟ (m) فيكي تيجي فورًا؟ (f)   "Kids, please...

“Mortar” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Mortar" is written using the Latin script as: Beton Using the Arabic script, it is written as: باطون Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That pail has mortar in it." Hal satel fiyo beton. .هل سطل فيو باطون   "Mortar is used to have bricks stick together."...

“Interesting” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Interesting" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Meshwi2 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مشوق Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That’s interesting." Hayde meshwi2.  .هيدا مشوق   "That’s so interesting!" Ktir meshwi2! !كتير مشوق   "What an interesting book." Shou...

“Manufacturer”, “Manufacturers” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Manufacturer" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Masna3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مصنع In Lebanese Arabic, "Manufacturers" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Masane3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مصانع Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“Stair”, “Stairs” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Stair" is written using the Latin script as: Daraj Using the Arabic script, it is written as: درج In Lebanese Arabic, "Stairs" is written using the Latin script as: 2adraj Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  ادراج Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll take...

“Banister”, “Banisters” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Banister" is written using the Latin script as: Drabzin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: درابزين In Lebanese Arabic, "Banisters" is written using the Latin script as: Drabzinet Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  درابزينات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We need...

“Hourly” (adjective) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Hourly" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Kel se3a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كل ساعة Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This song is played once hourly." Hal gheniye btenze3 mara kel se3a. .هل غنية بتنذاع مرة كل ساعة...

“Wall”, “Walls” (nouns) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Wall" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Het Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حيط In Lebanese Arabic, "Walls" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Hitan Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  حيطان Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“Daily” (adjective) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Daily" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Yawmiyan Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يوميًا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I practice daily." Betmaran yawmiyan. .بتمرن يوميًا   "I read daily." Be2ra yawmiyan. .بقرا يوميًا   "This is a daily...

“Since” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Since" (as in denoting the start of a period) is written using the Latin script as: Men Using the Arabic script, it is written as: من Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Since 1949." men 2alf 2ou tes3amiyew tes3aw 2arb3in. .من الف و تسعمية تسعة و...

“Yearly” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Yearly" is written using the Latin script as: Sanawi Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سنوي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's a yearly price." 2al sa3er sanawi. .السعر سنوي   "What's the yearly interest?" Shou 2al kemet 2al sanawi? شو القيمة السنوية؟  ...

“Stormy” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Stormy" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: 3asef Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عاصف Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s stormy." 2al ta2es 3asef. .الطقس عاصف   "It’s stormy outside." 2al ta2es 3asef bara. .الطقس عاصف برا   "It’s...

“2022” (year) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "2022" (the year) is written using the Latin script as: Alfin w thnin w 3echrin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ألفين و إثنين و عشرين Listen to this year pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's 2022." Hedha 3am alfin w thnin w 3echrin. .هذا عام ألفين و...

“Writer”, “Writers” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Writer" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Keteb Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كاتب In Tunisian Arabic, "Writers" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Koteb Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كتّاب Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or...

“Monday”, “Mondays” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Monday" is written using the Latin script as: Lethnin (Lthnin) Using the Arabic script, it is written as: الاثنين In Tunisian Arabic, "Mondays" is written using the Latin script as: Ayem lethnin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أيام الإثنين Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements...

“Hers” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Hers" is written using the Latin script as: Mte3ha Using the Arabic script, it is written as: متاعها Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Is it hers?" Mte3ha? متاعها؟   "Do you know if its hers?" Ta3rafchy howa mte3ha walla? تعرفشي هو متاعها و الا لا...

“Black pepper” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic "Black pepper" is written using the Latin script as: Felfel ak7al Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فلفل أكحل Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "More black pepper, please." Zidni chwaya felfel ak7al, y3aychek. .زيدني شوية فلفل أكحل، يعيشك   "Here's the black pepper shaker."...

“Delivery”, “Deliveries” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Delivery" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Tawsila Using the Arabic script, it is written as: توصيلة In Tunisian Arabic, "Deliveries" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Tawsilet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: توصيلات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...

“Bird”, “Birds” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Bird" is written using the Latin script as: 3asfour Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عصفور In Tunisian Arabic, "Birds" is written using the Latin script as: 3safer Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عصافر Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What kind...

“Larger”, “Largest” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Larger" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Akbar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أكبر In Tunisian Arabic, "Largest" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: El akbar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: الأكبر Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Swimming pool”, “Swimming pools” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Swimming pool" is written using the Latin script as: Piscine Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيسين In Tunisian Arabic, "Swimming pools" is written using the Latin script as: Piscinet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيسينات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements  ...

“Pepper shaker”, “Pepper shakers” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Pepper shaker" is written using the Latin script as: 7oket el felfel ak7al Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حكة الفلفل الاكحل In Tunisian Arabic, "Pepper shakers" is written using the Latin script as: 7kok el felfel ak7al Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حكك الفلفل الاكحل Listen to these two...

“Achieve”, “Achieves”, “Achieving” “Achieved” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Achieve" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ha2i2 (f) Ha2e2e Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حقق (m)  حققي (f) In Lebanese Arabic, "Achieves" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yiha2i2 (f) Tha2i2 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يحقق (m)...

“Recommend”, “Recommends”, “Recommending”, “Recommended” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Recommend" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Twasa (f) Twase Using the Arabic script, it is written as: توصى (m)  توصي (f) In Lebanese Arabic, "Recommends" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yetwasa (f) Tetwasa Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يتوصى (m)...

“Recommendation”, “Recommendations” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Recommendation" is written using the Latin script as: Tawsiye Using the Arabic script, it is written as: توصية In Lebanese Arabic, "Recommendations" is written using the Latin script as: Tawsiyet Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  توصيات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements  ...

“Weekly” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Weekly" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: 2ousbou3iyan Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أسبوعيًا Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The cleaner comes by weekly." 3amil 2al tendif byeje 2ousbou3iyan. .عامل التنظيف بيجي أسبوعيًا   "I clean the house weekly."...

“Target”, “Targets” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Target" is written using the Latin script as: Hadaf Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هدف In Lebanese Arabic, "Targets" is written using the Latin script as: 2ahdef Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  اهداف Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is...

“Hotel”, “Hotels” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Hotel" is written using the Latin script as: Hotel Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أوتيل In Tunisian Arabic, "Hotels" is written using the Latin script as: Wetla Using the Arabic script, it is written as: وتلا Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you...

“Hot” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Hot" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: (m) S5oun (f) S5ouna Using the Arabic script, these two words are written as: سخون (m) سخونة (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It is hot out!" S5ouna lbarra! !سخونة البرّا   "It is...

“Egg”, “Eggs” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Egg" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) 3adhma Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عضمة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Eggs" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 3adhmet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عضمات   (Editor's note: In Tunisian Arabic, when referencing a number...

“Moped”, “Mopeds” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Moped" is written using the Latin script as: Motour (Moutour) Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موطور In Tunisian Arabic, "Mopeds" is written using the Latin script as: Motourat (Moutourat) Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موطورات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements  ...

“But” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "But" is written using the Latin script as: Ama Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أما Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I don't mind jogging but I like hiking better." Ma y9alla9nich l footing ama n7eb tlou3 l jbal 5ir. .ما يقلقنيش الفوتينغ...

“Patio”, “Patios” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Patio" is written using the Latin script as: Terrasse Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تيراس In Tunisian Arabic, "Patios" is written using the Latin script as: Terrasset Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تيراسات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you...

“Additional” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Additional" is written using the Latin script as: (m) E5or (f) O5ra Using the Arabic script, these two words are written as: آخر (m) أخرى (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I get an additional towel?" Nejem ne5ou manchfa o5ra? انّجم ناخو منشفة...

“Extra” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Extra" is written using the Latin script as: Zyeda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: زيادة Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Extra cheese, please." Brabi, zyeda jbon. .بربي، زيادة جبن   "Can I get extra cheese on the pizza, please?" Brabi, nejem ne5o...

“Suggest”, “Suggests”, “Suggesting”, “Suggested” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Suggest" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 2ekterih (f) 2ekterhe Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أقترح (m)  أقترحي (f) In Lebanese Arabic, "Suggests" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yekterih (f) Tekterih Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  يقترح (m)...

“Forget”, “Forgets”, “Forgetting”, “Forgot” (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Forget" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 2ensa (f) 2ense Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنسا (m) أنسي (f) In Lebanese Arabic, "Forgets" (the verb)  is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yansa (f) Tensa Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  ينسى (m)...

“As well” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "As well" is written using the Latin script as: Kamen Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كمان Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll have the same meal as well." Rah 2ekhod nafs 2al wejbe kamen. .رح اخد نفس الوجبة كمان   "Do you...

“But” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "But" is written using the Latin script as: Bas Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بس Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like spring but love summer." Bheb 2al rabi3 bas 2al sayfiye 2aktar. .بحب الربيع بس بحب الصيفي اكتر   "I meant...

“Additional” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Additional" is written using the Latin script as: 2idafi Using the Arabic script, it is written as: إضافي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How much for the additional insurance?" 2adesh lalta2min 2al 2idafi? أديش للتأمين الإضافي؟   "I have additional coverage on this credit card."...

“Too” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Too" is written using the Latin script as: Kamen Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كمان Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I liked the meal too." 2ana kamen hebet 2al wejbe. .انا كمان حبيت الوجبة   "I like this city too." 2ana kamen...

“Try” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Try" is written using the Latin script as: Jarib Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جرب Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Have you tried this?" (m) Jarabet hal shi? (f) Jarabte hal shi? جربت هل شي؟ (m) جربتي هل شي؟ (f)   "Have...

“Suggestion”, “Suggestions” in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Suggestion" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 2ektirah Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أقتراح In Lebanese Arabic, "Suggestions" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: 2ektirahat Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أقتراحات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in...
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