In Turkish, "Leg" is written as: Bacak In Turkish, "Legs" is written as: Bacaklar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "There are eight legs in this painting." Bu resimde sekiz ayak var. "Spider legs." Örümcek bacakları. "Hairy legs." Kıllı bacaklar. "I cut my leg." Bacağımı...
In Turkish, "Coffee table" is written as: Sehpa In Turkish, "Coffee tables" is written as: Sehpalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I put the coffees on the coffee table." Kahveleri sehpanın üzerine koydum. "Your keys were on the coffee table." Anahtarların sehpanın üzerindeydi. "Let's shops...
In Turkish, "Folder" (the noun, as in the physical or digital place that stores files) is written as: Klasör In Turkish, "Folders" (the noun) is written as: Klasörler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The folder is fold." Klasör katlanır. "Here is a folder." İşte bir klasör. ...
In Turkish, "Post office" is written as: Postane In Turkish, "Post offices" is written as: Postaneler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Your parcel arrived at the post office." Parseliniz postaneye ulaştı. "I'm going to go to the post office." Postaneye gideceğim. "Do you know where...
In Turkish, "Envelope" is written as: Zarf In Turkish, "Envelopes" is written as: Zarflar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The envelope is sealed." Zarf mühürlendi. "An envelope arrived for you.." Size bir zarf geldi. "Here are eight envelopes addressed to you." İşte size gönderilmiş sekiz...
In Turkish, "Toast" (the noun, as in bread that has been toasted) is written as: Tost Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you want some toast?" Tost ister misin? "Do you have any Extra Virgin Olive Oil for the toast?" Tost için Sızma Zeytinyağınız var mı? ...
In Turkish, "Country" is written as: Ülke In Turkish, "Countries" is written as: Ülkeler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I like this country." Bu ülkeyi seviyorum. "I like your country." Ülkeni seviyorum. "What country are you from?" Hangi ülkedensin? "I've lived in this country...
In Turkish, "Walnut" is written as: Ceviz In Turkish, "Walnuts" is written as: Cevizler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Bag of walnuts." Bir torba ceviz. "Do you have something to crack the walnuts?" Cevizleri kıracak bir şeyin var mı? "I like the taste of walnuts."...
In Turkish, "Dining room" is written as: Yemek odası In Turkish, "Dining rooms" is written as: Yemek odaları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm in the dining room." Yemek odasındayım. "The kids are studying in the dining room." Çocuklar yemek odasında ders çalışıyor. "Dining room...
In Turkish, "Garbage bag" is written as: Çöp torbası In Turkish, "Garbage bags" is written as: Çöp torbaları Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We only have one garbage bag left." Sadece bir çöp torbamız kaldı. "Let's buy more garbage bags when we're out." Dışarı çıktığımızda daha...
In Turkish, "Recording" (the noun) is written as: Kayıt In Turkish, "Recordings" (the noun) is written as: Kayıtlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'll check the recording." Kaydı kontrol edeceğim. "The recording files are ready." Kayıt dosyaları hazır. "I'll save the recordings." Kayıtları saklayacağım. ...
In Turkish, "For sale" is written as: Satılık Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The boat is for sale." Tekne satılıktır. "That is a for sale sign." O bir satılık levhasıdır. "Our house is for sale." Evimiz satılıktır. "Is it for sale?" Satılık mı? "It's...
In Turkish, "For lease" is written as: Kiralık Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "It's for lease." Kiralık. "Is it for lease?" Kiralık mı? "I'll check if its for sale or for lease." Satılık mı yoksa kiralık mı diye kontrol edeceğim. "I'm going to put the...
In Turkish, "Goose" is written as: Kaz In Turkish, "Geese" is written as: Kazlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That's a goose." O bir kaz. "Look at the geese!" Kazlara bak! "That's a flock of geese." O bir kaz sürüsü. "Those are geese over...
In Turkish, "Back" (the direction) is written as: Arka Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "It's at the back." Arka tarafta. "The stewardess is at the back of the plane." Hostes uçağın arkasındadır. "Did you check the back of the store?" Dükkanın arkasını kontrol ettin mi? ...
In Turkish, "Miss" (the pronoun) is written as: Hanımefendi (Editor's note: In Turkish, alternative words to mean Miss are Bayan and Hanım. In Türkiye it's common to see a woman's bathroom labelled as Bayan. Regarding Hanım if a speaker knows the interlocutor's name and wishes to express respect as an additional pronoun they will state the...
In Turkish, "Sir" (the pronoun) is written as: Beyefendi (Editor's note: In Turkish, other common pronouns that are cognate with Sir are Bay and Bey. In Türkiye, commonly a men's bathroom is also labelled as Bay. And regarding Bey, when the speaker knows the name of the interlocutor the speaker can conventionally say the interlocutor's name...
In Turkish, "Closed" (the adjective) is written as: Kapalı Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The restaurant is closed." Restoran kapalı. "The door is closed." Kapı kapalı. "We are closed." Kapalıyız. "Are you closed?" Kapalı mısınız? "They said they are closed." Kapalı olduklarını söylediler. ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Drying machine" is written using the Latin script as: Mekinet tachyi7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ماكينة تشييح In Tunisian Arabic, "Drying machines" is written using the Latin script as: Mekinét tachyi7 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ماكينات تشييح Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Are you open?" is written using the Latin script as: Entom 7allin? Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنتم حالّين؟ (Editor's note: In Tunisian Arabic, other popular ways to ask "Are you open?" is simply 7allin? / حالّين؟ or Ma7loulin? / محلولين؟. To learn more about speaking Tounsi at a restaurant, read...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Hill" (the noun, as in the topographical feature) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Hadhba Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هضبة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Hills" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Hadhbet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هضبات Listen to these...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Boat" is written using the Latin script as: (f) Flouka Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فلوكة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Boats" is written using the Latin script as: Fleyek Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فلايك (Editor's note: In Tunisian Arabic, the words Battu / بطو and Battouwet / بطوات...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Gas station" is written using the Latin script as: (m) Kiosque Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كيوسك (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Gas stations" is written using the Latin script as: (m) Kiosquet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كيوسكات (m) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Installation" is written using the Latin script as: (m) Tarkib Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تركيب (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Installations" is written using the Latin script as: Tarkibet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تركيبات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Air conditioner" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Climatiseur Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كليماتيزور (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Air conditioners" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Climatiseuret Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كليماتيزورات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Rodent" & "Rodents" (the nouns) are written using the Latin script as: 9awaredh Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قوارض Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Mice are a type of rodent." El firen naw3 mel 9awaredh. .الفيران نوع مل قوارض "This area...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Government" is written using the Latin script as: 7oukouma Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حكومة In Tunisian Arabic, "Governments" is written using the Latin script as: 7oukoumet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حكومات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Where are…?" is written using the Latin script as: Win...? Using the Arabic script, it is written as: وين...؟ Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Where are you?" Winek? وينك؟ "Where are the servers?" Win el serveuret? وين السرفورات؟ "Where are the house keys?"...
In Tunisian Arabic, "August" (the month) is written using the Latin script as: Août Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أوت Listen to this month pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "August 1." We7ed août. .واحد أوت "Tomorrow is August 1." 8odwa 1 août. .غدوا 1 أوت "Where do...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Mouse" (the noun, as in the computer device) is written using the Latin script as: Souris Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سوري In Tunisian Arabic, "Mouses" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Souriyet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سوريات Listen to these two words pronounced...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Grandma" is written using the Latin script as: Jadda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جدة In Tunisian Arabic, "Grandmas" is written using the Latin script as: Jaddet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جدّات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That is...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Vocabulary" & "Vocabularies" (the nouns) are written using the Latin script as: Vocabulaire Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فوكابيلار Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Big vocabulary." Vocabulaire kbir. .فوكابيلار كبير "Small vocabulary." Vocabulaire sghir. .فوكابيلار صغير "Growing vocabulary." Vocabulaire 9a3ed yekber....
In Tunisian Arabic, "Brown sugar" is written using the Latin script as: Sokker asmer Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سكّر اسمر Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Do you have any brown sugar?" 3andkom sokker asmer? عندكم سكّر اسمر؟ "We don't have brown sugar." Ma3annech...
In Turkish, "Eighty" (80) is written as: Seksen Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Here is 80 liras." İşte 80 lira. "The price is 80 liras." Fiyatı 80 lira. "I count 80." 80 sayıyorum. "60 plus 20 totals 80." 60 artı 20 toplamı 80. "My...
In Turkish, "Seventy-nine" (79) is written as: Yetmiş dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Take Exit 79." Çıkış 79'a girin. "Here is 79 liras." İşte 79 lira. "My grandma turns 79 this weekend." Büyükannem bu hafta sonu 79 yaşına giriyor. "The street number is 79."...
In Turkish, "Seventy-eight" (78) is written as: Yetmiş sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "It's 78 liras." 78 lira. "Here is 78 liras." İşte 78 lira. "My grandpa is 78 years old." Dedem 78 yaşında. "78 more kilometres to go." Daha 78 kilometre var. ...
In Turkish, "Seventy-seven" (77) is written as: Yetmiş yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm 77 years old." 77 yaşındayım. "My grandma is 77 years old." Büyükannem 77 yaşında. "The GPS says we're 77 kilometres away." GPS 77 kilometre uzakta olduğumuzu söylüyor. "It's 77 kilometres...
In Turkish, "Seventy-six" (76) is written as: Yetmiş altı Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My grandma is 76 years old." Büyükannem 76 yaşında. "It's 76 liras." 76 lira. "The house number is 76." Ev numarası 76'dır. "I was born in '76." 76'da doğdum. "Take...
In Turkish, "Glove" (as in one glove of a pair of gloves) is written as: Eldiven In Turkish, "Gloves" (as in one pair of gloves) is written as: Eldivenler In Turkish, "Gloves" (as in multiple pairs of gloves) is written as: Eldivenler Listen to these three words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm missing a...
In Turkish, "Paddle" (the noun, as in the device used to propel a boat) is written as: Kürek In Turkish, "Paddles" (the noun) is written as: Kürekler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Here is your paddle." İşte küreğin. "These paddles are heavy." Bu kürekler ağırdır. ...
In Turkish, "Lamp post" (the noun) is written as: Lamba direği In Turkish, "Lamp posts" (the noun) is written as: Lamba direkleri Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The lamp posts turn on at 8pm." Lamba direkleri akşam 8'de açılır. "There are lamp posts on this street."...
In Turkish, "Building" (the noun) is written as: Bina In Turkish, "Buildings" (the noun) is written as: Binalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That is a tall building." O yüksek bir bina. "That building is four storeys high." O bina dört katlı. "There are many...
In Turkish, "Plant" (the noun) is written as: Bitki In Turkish, "Plants" (the noun) is written as: Bitkiler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "You have beautiful plants." Güzel bitkileriniz var. "There are plants in the garden." Bahçede bitkiler var. "What is this plant called?" Bu...
In Turkish, "Have a good trip!" is written as: İyi yolculuklar! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Have a good trip! See you soon." İyi yolculuklar! Yakında görüşürüz. "Have a good trip! Text me when you arrive." İyi yolculuklar! Vardığında bana mesaj at. "Have a good trip!...
In Turkish, "Sorry" is written as: Üzgün Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump you." Üzgünüm, seni kırmak istemedim. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you." Üzgünüm, seni bölmek istemedim. "He said he is sorry." O üzgün olduğunu söyledi. "I am...
In Turkish, "Bathroom" is written as: Banyo In Turkish, "Bathrooms" is written as: Banyolar (Editor's In Turkish, in public (e.g., at a restaurant), the men's bathroom is commonly called Bay or Erkek, and the woman's bathroom is commonly called Bayan or Kadın.) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or...
In Turkish, "Seventy-five" (75) is written as: Yetmiş beş Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "75 liras." 75 lira. "Here is 75 liras." İşte 75 lira. "I am 75 years old." 75 yaşındayım. "My grandpa is 75 years old." Dedem 75 yaşında. "I'm on page...
In Turkish, "Seventy-four" (74) is written as: Yetmiş dört Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The price is 74 liras." Fiyatı 74 lira. "Here is 74 liras." İşte 74 lira. "Exit 74." 74 numaralı çıkış. "My grandpa was born in a village but has lived in...
In Turkish, "Seventy-three" (73) is written as: Yetmiş üç Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Here is 73 liras." İşte 73 lira. "I counted 73." 73 saydım. "73 more kilometres to go." Daha 73 kilometre var. "My grandmother is 73 years old." Büyük annem 73 yaşında....
In Turkish, "Seventy-two" (72) is written as: Yetmiş iki Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in "He is 72 years old." 72 yaşında. "My parents are 72 and 69 years old." Annem ve babam 72 ve 69 yaşlarında. "We need to take Exit 72 next." Sonra 72 numaralı çıkışı kullanmamız gerekiyor....
In Turkish, "Seventy-one" (71) is written as: Yetmiş bir Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The price is 71 liras." Fiyatı 71 lira. "It is 71 dollars." 71 dolar. "She is 71 years old." 71 yaşında. "His number is 71." Onun numarası 71. "The show...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Excited" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Met7ammes (f) Met7ammsa Using the Arabic script, it is written as: متحمس (m) متحمسة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Excited" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Met7ammsin Using the Arabic script, it...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Newspaper" is written using the Latin script as: Jarida Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جريدة In Tunisian Arabic, "Newspapers" is written using the Latin script as: Jarayed Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جرايد Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That is...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Stairs" (as in a set of steps) is written using the Latin script as: Drouj Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دروج Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "My mom is coming down the stairs." Omi habta f drouj. أمي هابطة في الدروج. ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Annually" (the adverb) is written using the Latin script as: Kol 3am Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كل عام Listen to this term pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I visit here annually." Nji lehna kol 3am. .نجي لهنا كل عام "I do my taxes annually."...
In Lebanese Arabic, "You all" is written using the Latin script as: 2ento kelkon Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنتو كلكون Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Where do you all want to sit?" 2ento kelkon wen rah te2e3do? أنتو كلكون وان راحتقعدو؟ "Where are...
In Lebanese Arabic, "Two minutes" is written using the Latin script as: Di2ten Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ديقتين Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'll be back in two minutes." Rah 2erja3 bi di2ten. .راح قرجاع بيديقتين "Your order will be ready in two...
In Lebanese Arabic, "Egg" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Bayda Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيدا In Lebanese Arabic, "Eggs" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Bayd Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بيد Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Lebanese Arabic, "You two" is written using the Latin script as: 2ento naynetkon Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنتو نيناتكون Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "You two are wonderful!" 2ento naynetknon 3azim! !أنتو نيناتكون عازيم "You two are smart!" 2ento naynetknon zake! !أنتو...
In Lebanese Arabic, "You both" is written using the Latin script as: 2ento naynetkon Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنتو نيناتكون Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "You both are kind!" 2ento naynetkon 2edamin! !أنتو نيناتكون أدامين "You both are smart!" 2ento naynetkon zake! !أنتو...
In Lebanese Arabic, "Goose" is written using the Latin script as: 2ouze Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أوزة In Lebanese Arabic, "Geese" is written using the Latin script as: 2ouz Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أوز Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "That...
In Egyptian Arabic, "Walk" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Mashy Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مشي In Egyptian Arabic, "Walks" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Elmashy Using the Arabic script, it is written as: المشي Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Egyptian Arabic, "I like" is written using the Latin script as: Ana ba7b Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ...انا بحب Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I like this residence." Ana ba7b el sakn dh. .انا بحب السكن ده "I like Egypt." Ana ba7b...
In Egyptian Arabic, "Rain" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Matr Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مطر Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I hear rain." Ana sam3 matr. .انا سامع مطر "Let's hurry to avoid the rain." 5lena nesta3gl 34an ntgnb...
In Egyptian Arabic, "Windy" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: 3asef Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عاصف Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "It's windy out." El gaw 3asef. .الجو عاصف "It was windy earlier." El gaw kan 3asef mn bdri. .الجو...
In Turkish, "Fifty-seven" (57) is written as: Elli yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The price is 57 liras." Fiyatı 57 lira. "Here is 57 liras." İşte 57 lira. "I'm 57 years old." 57 yaşındayım. "We're 57 years old." 57 yaşındayız. "We're in row...
In Turkish, "Fifty-eight" (58) is written as: Elli sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "There are 58 trees in this orchard." Bu meyve bahçesinde 58 ağaç var. "I'm 58 years old." 58 yaşındayım. "Take Exit 58." Çıkış 58'e girin. "58 more kilometres to go." Daha...
In Turkish, "Fifty-nine" (59) is written as: Elli dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We need to go to Gate 59." 59 numaralı kapıya gitmemiz gerekiyor. "We're in row 59 on the flight." Uçakta 59 sıradayız. "It's 59 liras." O 59 liradır. "It totals 59."...
In Turkish, "Sixty" (60) is written as: Altmış Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Take exit 60." Çıkış 60'a girin. "This olive tree is 60 years old." Bu zeytin ağacı 60 yaşında. "Row 60." 60 sıra. "The game is on channel 60." Maç Kanal 60'ta. ...
In Turkish, "Hat" is written as: Şapka In Turkish, "Hats" is written as: Şapkalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Black hat." Siyah şapka. "The hat has a brim." Şapkanın kenarı vardır. "That store sells hats." O mağaza şapka satıyor. "How much for this hat?"...
In Lebanese Arabic, "Which way...?" (the phrase, as in the direction) is written using the Latin script as: 2aya mayle...? Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أيا ميلي...؟ Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Which way are we going?" Men 2aya mayle rayhin? من أيا ميلي رايحين؟...
In Lebanese Arabic, "Going up" is written using the Latin script as: Tale3 fo2 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: تالع فوق Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "We're going up." Tal3in fo2. .تالعين فوق "Is the elevator going up or down?" 2al asansor tale3 fo2...
In Lebanese Arabic, "Talk then" is written using the Latin script as: Mnehke ba3den Using the Arabic script, it is written as: منحكي بعدين Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Okay, we'll talk then." Tayeb, mnehke ba3den. .تيب، منحكي بعدين "That time was great. Talk then." Haydek 2al...
In Lebanese Arabic, "Going down" is written using the Latin script as: Nezil la tahet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نازل لتحت Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The elevator is going down." 2al 2asansor nezil la tahet. .ألقسنسور نازيل لتحت "Kids are going down...
In Lebanese Arabic, "National" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Balade Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بلدي Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "When is the national election?" 2amtin 2al 2entikhabet 2al balade? أمتين أقنتخبيت ألبلدي؟ "The competition is national." 2al moubara...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Which way...?" (the phrase) is written using the Latin script as: Mnin...? Using the Arabic script, it is written as: منين...؟ Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Which way is it?" Mnin el thnya? منين الثنية؟ "Which way to the bathrooms?" Mnin el toilette? منين...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Pack of water bottles" is written using the Latin script as: (f) Stika me Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ستيكة ماء (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Packs of water bottles" is written using the Latin script as: Steyek me Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ستايك ماء Listen to...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Perhaps" is written using the Latin script as: Yomkon Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يمكن Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Perhaps so." Yomkon hakka. .يمكن هكّا "Perhaps you left your phone in the car?" Yomkon khalit telifounek fel karhba? يمكن خليت...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Mouth" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Fomm Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فمّ (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Mouths" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Effem Using the Arabic script, it is written as: افّام Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Light" (the adjective, as in the weight of something, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (masculine-based noun) Khfif (feminine-based noun) Khfifa Using the Arabic script, it is written as: خفيف (masculine-based noun) خفيفة (feminine-based noun) In Tunisian Arabic, “Light” (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the...
In Tunisian Arabic, "I will..." (as in stating a physical action that the speaker will do) is written using the Latin script as: Bech... Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ...بش In Tunisian Arabic, "I will..." (as in confirming that the speaker will do a particular thing) is written using the Latin script as:...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Home" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Dar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دار (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Homes" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Diar Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ديار Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Going down" (in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (masculine-based noun) Habet (feminine-based noun) Habta Using the Arabic script, it is written as: هابط (masculine-based noun) هابطة (feminine-based noun) In Tunisian Arabic, "Going down" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Habtin Using the Arabic script,...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Going up" (in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (masculine-based noun) Tala3 (feminine-based noun) Tal3a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: طالع (masculine-based noun) طالعة (feminine-based noun) In Tunisian Arabic, “Going up” (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Tal3in Using the Arabic script, it...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Cap" (the noun, as in the lid of a bottle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ghta Using the Arabic script, it is written as: غطا (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Caps" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Ghotyen Using the Arabic script, it is written as: غطيان Listen...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Canada" (the country) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Canada Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كندا (f) Listen to this country pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I love Canada!" N7eb Canada! !نحب كندا "Have you been to Canada?" Mchit l Canada? مشيت لكندا؟...
In Tunisian Arabic, "England" (the country) is written using the Latin script as: Engltra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: انجلترا Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm working in England for three months." 9e3ed nekhdem fi Engltra lmodet thletha chhour. .قاعد نخدم في انجلترا لمدة ثلاثة...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Security alarm" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Systeme alarme Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سيستام ألارم (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Security alarms" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Systemet alarme Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سيستامات ألارم Listen to these two...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Several" is written using the Latin script as: Barcha Using the Arabic script, it is written as: برشا Listen to this word pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I've been to North Africa several times." Ena mchit lel Afrique barcha marrat. .انا مشيت لافريقيا برشا مرات "I've been to...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Bus stop" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) M7ata Using the Arabic script, it is written as: محطة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Bus stops" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: M7atat Using the Arabic script, it is written as: محطات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) ...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Teacher" (the noun, as in the educational instructor) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mou3alem (f) Mou3alma Using the Arabic script, it is written as: معلم (m) معلمة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Teachers" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mou3almin (f) Mou3almet Using the Arabic script, it is...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Course" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Cour Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كور (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Courses" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Courat Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كورات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in...
In Turkish, "Seventy" (70) is written as: Yetmiş Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "The price is 70 liras." Fiyatı 70 lira. "Take Exit 70." 70 numaralı çıkışı kullanın. "Here is 70 liras." İşte 70 lira. "I'm 70 years old." 70 yaşındayım. "He is 70...
In Turkish, "Sixty-nine" (69) is written as: Altmış dokuz Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Our flight is Gate B69." Uçuşumuz B69 numaralı kapıdadır. "Here is 69 liras." İşte 69 lira. "The price for the durum is 69." Dürümün fiyatı 69'dur. "50 plus 19 totals 69."...
In Turkish, "Sixty-eight" (68) is written as: Altmış sekiz Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm 68." 68 yaşındayım. "My father is 68 years old and my mother is 64." Babam 68 yaşında ve annem 64 yaşında. "The price is 68 liras." Fiyatı 68 lira. "Take...
In Turkish, "Sixty-seven" (67) is written as: Altmış yedi Listen to this number pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Here is 67 dinars." İşte 67 dinar. "I have 67 dinars total on me." Üzerimde toplam 67 dinar var. "My father is 67 years old." Babam 67 yaşında. "It totals 67."...
In Turkish, "Show me" is written as: Bana göster Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "Can you show me?" Bana gösterebilir misin? "Show me more." Bana daha fazla göster. "Can you show me more?" Bana daha fazla gösterebilir misiniz? "Can you show me your art collection?"...
In Turkish, "Home" is written as: Ev In Turkish, "Homes" is written as: Evler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "I'm at home." Evdeyim. "You have a beautiful home." Güzel bir evin var. "Welcome to my home." Evime hoş geldin. "There are seven homes on...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Document" (the noun, as in a file) is written using the Latin script as: (f) War9a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ورقة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Documents" is written using the Latin script as: Awra9 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أوراق Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)...
In Tunisian Arabic, "Coming soon" is written using the Latin script as: 3la 9rib Using the Arabic script, it is written as: على قريب Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio) Examples in sentences or statements "A new restaurant is coming soon here." Restaurant jdid bech y7el houni 3la 9rib. .ريستورون جديد باش يحل هوني...