Words, Terms, & Phrases

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“Mediterranean Sea” in Greek

In Greek, "Mediterranean Sea" is written using the Latin script as: Mesogeios Thalassa Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Μεσόγειος Θάλασσα Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Have you ever swam in the Mediterranean Sea?" Exeis kolimpisei pote stin Mesogeio Thalassa? Έχεις κολυμπήσει ποτέ στην Μεσόγειο Θάλασσα?...

“Beach”, “Beaches” in Greek

In Greek, "Beach" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Paralia Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Παραλία In Greek, "Beaches" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Paralies Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Παραλίες Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)  ...

“Returned” (placing object back) (past) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returned" (the verb, as in placing an object back where it belongs, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Geri koydum (You) Geri koydun (You, formal) Geri koydunuz (You, plural) Geri koydunuz (He, She, It) Geri koydu (We) Geri koyduk (They) Geri koydular Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Feather”, “Feathers” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Feather" (the noun) is written as: Tüy In Turkish, "Feathers" (the noun) is written as: Tüyler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Birds have feathers." Kuşların tüyleri vardır.   "I found a feather on the ground." Yerde bir tüy buldum.   "That bird has blue and...

“Safe”, “Safes” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Safe" (the noun) is written as: Kasa In Turkish, "Safes" (the noun) is written as: Kasalar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is the password for the safe." Bu şifre kasa için.   "Each hotel room has a safe." Her otel odasının bir kasası var....

“Claw”, “Claws” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Claw" (the noun) is written as: Pençe In Turkish, "Claws" (the noun) is written as: Pençeler Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Birds have claws." Kuşların pençeleri vardır.   "My cat doesn’t have sharp claws." Kedimin keskin pençeleri yok.   "Does your cat have sharp claws?"...

“Pile”, “Piles” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Pile" (the noun) is written as: Yığın In Turkish, "Piles" (the noun) is written as: Yığınlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A pile of sand." Bir yığın kum.   "A pile of dirty clothes is on the floor." Yerde bir yığın kirli kıyafet var.  ...

“Third floor” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Third floor" is written as: Üçüncü kat Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We live on the third floor." Üçüncü katta oturuyoruz.   "My apartment is on the third floor." Dairem üçüncü katta.   "The doctor’s office is on the third floor of that building." Doktorun ofisi...

“Back”, “Backs” (body part) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Back" (the noun, as in the body part) is written as: Sırt In Turkish, "Backs" (the noun) is written as: Sırtlar Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My back is sore." Sırtım ağrıyor.   "He is laying on his back." Sırtüstü uzanıyor.   "She sleeps on...

“Morocco” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Morocco" (the country) is written as: Fas Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My family is going on a trip to Morocco in April." Ailem Nisan ayında Fas'a geziye gidiyor.   "My colleague is from Morocco." İş arkadaşım Faslı.   "Morocco is in North Africa." Fas Kuzey...

“Easier” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Easier" (the adjective) is written as: Daha kolay Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I know an easier way to assemble it." Bunu birleştirmenin daha kolay bir yolunu biliyorum.   "The exam was easier than I expected." Sınav düşündüğümden daha kolaydı.   "The task is getting easier...

“Turn” (imperative) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Turn" (as in the imperative statement) is written as: Dön Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Turn right here." Buradan sağa dön.   "Turn left." Sola dön.   "Turn right after that roundabout." Döner kavşaktan sonra sağa dönün.   "Turn around." Arkanı dön.   "Can you turn...

“Difficult” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Difficult" (the adjective) is written as: Zor Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That was difficult!" Bu zordu!   "The paperwork wasn't too difficult. " Evrak işleri çok zor değildi.   "He's being difficult." Zor davranıyor.   "The test was very difficult." Test çok zordu.   "The...

“Warm” in Turkish

In Turkish, "Warm" (the adjective) is written as: Sıcak Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s warm in here." Burası sıcak.   "The food is still warm." Yemek hala sıcak.   "I’ll wear socks to keep my feet warm" Ayaklarımı sıcak tutmak için çorap giyeceğim.   "Today is warm."...

“Turn right” in Greek

In Greek, "Turn right" (in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: Stripse deksia Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Στρίψε δεξιά In Greek, "Turn right" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Stripste deksia Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Στρίψτε δεξιά Listen to...

“Stop here” in Greek

In Greek, "Stop here" (in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: Stamata edo Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Σταμάτα εδώ In Greek, "Stop here" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Stamatiste edo Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Σταματήστε εδώ Listen to...

“Sea”, “Seas” in Greek

In Greek, "Sea" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Thalassa Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Θάλασσα In Greek, "Seas" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Thalasses Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Θάλασσες Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)  ...

“Be careful” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Be careful" (as in the statement) is written using the Latin script as: Rod belek Using the Arabic script, it is written as: رد بالك Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)  

“Christian” (adjective) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Christian" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Masi7i (f) Masi7ia Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مسيحي (m) مسيحية (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Christian" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Masi7yiin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مسيحيين Listen to these three...

“Christians” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Christians" (the noun, as in someone who practices Christianity) is written using the Latin script as: (m) El masi7iyin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: المسيحيين (m) Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A church is a place of worship for Christians." El kanisa...

“South” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "South" (as in the direction) is written using the Latin script as: Janoub Using the Arabic script, it is written as: جنوب Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That direction is south." El itijeh hedha el janoub. .الاتجاه هذا الجنوب   "I’m from the south of...

“Cloudless” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Cloudless" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Safi (f) Safia Using the Arabic script, it is written as: صافي (m) صافية (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s cloudless today." E ta9s safi lyoum. .الطقس صافي ليوم   "The sky...

“Haircutter”, “Haircutters” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Haircutter" (the noun, as in the profession) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 7ajjem (f) 7ajjema Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حجّام (m) حجّامة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Haircutters" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 7ajjemin (f) 7ajjemet Using the Arabic script, it is...

“Wood” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Wood" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 7tab Using the Arabic script, it is written as: حطب (m) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you help me pile this wood into the back of the truck?" Tnejem t3aweni n3abiw l 7tab...

“Rice” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Rice" (the noun, as in the food) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Rouz Using the Arabic script, it is written as: روز (m) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Another plate of rice please." S7an rouz e5er 3aychek. .صحن روز آخر يعيشك  ...

“Advertisement”, “Advertisements” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Advertisement" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ichhar Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  إشهار (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Advertisements" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Ichharat Using the Arabic script, it is written as: إشهارات Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)  ...

“Intentionally” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Intentionally" (the adverb) is written using the Latin script as: Bil3ani Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بلعاني Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I don’t think she did it intentionally to upset you." Manet5ayalch 3amletha bil3ani bech t9al9ek. .مانتخيلش عملتها بلعاني باش تقلقك...

“Blended” (adjective) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Blended" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) M5allat (f) M5allta Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مخلّط (m) مخلّطة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Blended" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: M5alltin Using the Arabic script, it...

“Moody” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Moody" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mizeji (f) Mizejiya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مزاجي (m) مزاجية (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Moody" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Mizejiyiin Using the Arabic script, it...

“Very well” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Very well" (the statement, in a positive context) is written using the Latin script as: Bilbahi Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بلباهي Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The exam went very well." E devoir t3ada bilbahi. .الدفوار تعدا بلباهي   "He sings...

“Lane”, “Lanes” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Lane" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Thniya (Thnia) Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ثنية (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Lanes" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Thneya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ثنايا Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)...

“Stay”, “Stays” (nouns) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Stay" (the noun, as in a short-term rental) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Séjour Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  سيجور (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Stays" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Des séjours Using the Arabic script, it is written as: داي سيجور Listen...

“Making” (manufacture) (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Making" (the verb, as in manufacturing, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9a3ed nasna3 (I) (f) 9a3da nasna3 (You) (m) 9a3ed tasna3 (You) (f) 9a3da tasna3 (You, plural) 9a3din tasn3ou (He) 9a3ed yasna3 (She) 9a3da tasna3 (We) 9a3din nasn3ou (They) 9a3din yasn3ou Using the Arabic script,...

“Made” (manufacture) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Made" (the verb, as in manufacturing, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Sna3t (You) Sna3t (You, plural) Sna3tou (He) Sna3 (She) San3et (We) Sna3na (They) San3ou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: صنعت (I) صنعت (You) صنعتو (You, plural) صنع (He) صنعت (She) صنعنا (We) صنعو...

“Drink” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Drink" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nochrob (You) Tochrob (You, plural) Tochrbou (He) Yochrob (She) Tochrob (We) Nochrbou (They) Yochrbou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نشرب (I) تشرب (You) تشربو (You, plural) يشرب (He) تشرب (She) نشربو (We) يشربو (They) Listen...

“Drinking” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Drinking" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed nochrob (9a3ed nochrob) (I) (f) 9e3da nochrob (9a3da nochrob) (You) (m) 9e3ed tochrob (9a3ed tochrob) (You) (f) 9e3da tochrob (9a3da tochrob) (You, plural) 9e3din tochrbou (9a3din tochrbou) (He) 9e3ed yochrob (9a3ed yochrob) (She) 9e3da tochrob (9a3da...

“Bright” (luminosity) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Bright" (the adjective, in the context of luminosity, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 9wy (f) 9wya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: قوي (m) قوية (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sun is bright...

“I’m serious” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "I'm serious" (the statement that means that the speaker is telling the truth) is written using the Latin script as: Nahki bjeddi Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نحكي بجدي Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm serious! That's what happened." Nahki bjeddi! Hadheka...

“Turn left” in Greek

In Greek, "Turn left" (in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: Stripse aristera Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Στρίψε αριστερά In Greek, "Turn left" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Stripste aristera Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Στρίψτε αριστερά Listen to...

“Taxi”, “Taxis” (nouns) in Greek

In Greek, "Taxi" & "Taxis" (the nouns) is written using the Latin script as: (n) Taxi Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (n) Ταξί Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Did you call a taxi?" Fonaksate taxi? Φωνάξατε ταξί?   "I called a taxi 10 minutes ago."...

“Had” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Had" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (masculine-based) Ken 3andi (I) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andi (I) (plural-based) Kenou 3andi (You) (masculine-based) Ken 3andek (You) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andek (You) (plural-based) Kenou 3andek (You, plural) (masculine-based) Ken 3andkom (You, plural) (feminine-based) Kenet 3andkom (You, plural) (plural-based) Kenou 3andkom...

“Having” (present) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Having" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3andi (You) 3andek (You, plural) 3andkom (He) 3andou (She) 3andha (We) 3andna (They) 3andhom Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عندي (I) عندك (You) عندكم (You, plural) عندو (He) عندها (She) عندنا (We) عندهم (They) Listen...

“Website”, “Websites” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Website" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Site web Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سيت واب (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Websites" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Sitet web Using the Arabic script, it is written as: سيتات واب Listen to these two...

“Supposed to be” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Supposed to be" (the phrase, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ken supposé (f) Kenet supposé Using the Arabic script, it is written as: كان سيبوزاي (m) كانت سيبوزاي (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Supposed to be" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:...

“Have” (future) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Have" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) 3andi (You) 3andek (You, plural) 3andkom (He) 3andou (She) 3andha (We) 3andna (They) 3andhom Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عندي (I) عندك (You) عندكم (You, plural) عندو (He) عندها (She) عندنا (We) عندهم  (They) Listen...

“Port”, “Ports” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Port" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Bort Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  برط (m) In Tunisian Arabic, "Ports" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: Des ports Using the Arabic script, it is written as: داي بور Listen to these two terms pronounced...

“It’s not needed” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "It's not needed" (as in the statement indicating that something isn't necessary) is written using the Latin script as: Mouch lezem Using the Arabic script, it is written as: موش لازم Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)  

“Intentional” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Intentional" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as: Bel3ani Using the Arabic script, it is written as: بالعاني Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you think it was intentional?" Tetsawar bel3ani? تتصور بالعاني؟   "I don’t think it was intentional. I think it...

“Catching” (present) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Catching" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed nched (I) (f) 9e3da nched (You) (m) 9e3ed tched (You) (f) 9e3da tched (You, plural) 9e3din tchedou (He) 9e3ed yched (She) 9e3da tched (We) 9e3din nchedou (They) 9e3din ychedou Using the Arabic script, it is written...

“Has” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Has" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) 3andou (f) 3andha Using the Arabic script, it is written as: عندو (m) عندها (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (at an airport) "The stewardess has my passport." L'hotesse...

“Drinks” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Drinks" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yochrob (f) Tochrob Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يشرب  (m) تشرب (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He drinks two litres of water every day." Yochrob...

“Discovering” (present) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Discovering" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed nektachef (I) (f) 9e3da nektachef (You) (m) 9e3ed tektachef (You) (f) 9e3da tektachef (You, plural) 9e3din tektachfou (He) 9e3ed yektachef (She) 9e3da tektachef (We) 9e3din nektachfou (They) 9e3din yektachfou Using the Arabic script, it is written...

“Drank” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Drank" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Chrabt (You) Chrabt (You, plural) Chrabtou (He) Chrab (She) Charbet (We) Chrabna (They) Charbou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شربت (I) شربت (You) شربتو (You, plural) شرب (He) شربت (She) شربنا (We) شربو (They) Listen...

“Caught” (past) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Caught" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Chadit (You) Chadit (You, plural) Chadditou (He) Chad (She) Chaddet (We) Chaddina (They) Chaddou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شديت (I) شديت (You) شدّيتو (You, plural) شد (He) شدّت (She) شدّينا (We) شدّو (They) Listen...

“Catholicism” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Catholicism" (the noun, as in the religion) is written using the Latin script as: El cathoulikya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: الكاثوليكية Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Catholicism is a Christian sect." El cathoulikya ta2ifa masi7ya. .الكاثوليكية طائفة مسيحية   "Catholicism is based...

“Catches” (third-person) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Catches" (the verb, in the third person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yched (f) Tched Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يشد (m) تشد (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "He catches well." Yched belbehy. .يشد بالباهي  ...

“Catch” (future) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Catch" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nched (You) Tched (You, plural) Tcheddou (He) Yched (She) Tched (We) Ncheddou (They) Ycheddou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نشد (I) تشد (You) تشدّو (You, plural) يشد (He) تشد (She) نشدّو (We) يشدّو (They) Listen...

“Algerian” (adjective) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Algerian" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Dziri (f) Dzirya Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دزيري (m) دزيرية (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Algerian" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Dzirya Using the Arabic script, it...

“Background”, “Backgrounds” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Background" & "Backgrounds" (the noun) are both written using the Latin script as: El teli Using the Arabic script, they are both written as: التالي Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What is in the background in this painting?" Chnoua li fel khalfya mta3 el tableau?...

“As soon as” (conjunction) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "As soon as" (the conjunction) is written using the Latin script as: Doub Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دوب Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I’ll text you as soon as I’m home." Taw nkalmek doub ma nousel ledar. .تو نكلمك دوب ما...

“Looking” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Looking" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9e3ed noghzer (I) (f) 9e3da noghzer (You) (m) 9e3ed toghzer (You) (f) 9e3da toghzer (You, plural) 9e3din toghzrou (He) 9e3ed yoghzer (She) 9e3da toghzer (We) 9e3din noghzrou (They) 9e3din yoghzrou Using the Arabic script, it is written...

“Missed” (not occurring) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Missed" (the verb, as in something not occurring, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Fawatet (You) Fawatet (You, plural) Fawatou (He) Fawet (She) Fawtet (We) Fawatna (They) Fawtou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فوّتت (I) فوّتت (You) فوّتو (You, plural) فوّت (He) فوّتت (She)...

“Missing” (not occurring) (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Missing" (the verb, as in something not occurring, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nfawet (You) Tfawet (You, plural) Tfawtou (He) Yfawet (She) Tfawet (We) Nfawtou (They) Yfawtou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نفوّت (I) تفوّت (You) تفوّتو (You, plural) يفوّت (He) تفوّت (She)...

“Misses” (not occurring) (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Misses" (the verb, as in something not occurring, in the third person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yfawet (f) Tfawet Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  يفوّت (m)  تفوّت (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements "He never misses an...

“Miss” (not occurring) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Miss" (the verb, as in something not occurring, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nfawet (You) Tfawet (You, plural) Tfawtou (He) Yfawet (She) Tfawet (We) Nfawtou (They) Yfawtou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نفوّت (I) تفوّت (You) تفوّتو (You, plural) يفوّت (He) تفوّت (She) نفوّتو...

“Got in” (structure) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Got in" (the verb, in the context of a structure, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Dkhalt (You) Dkhalt (You, plural) Dkhaltou (He) Dkhal (She) Dakhlet (We) Dkhalna (They) Dakhlou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: دخلت (I) دخلت (You) دخلتو (You, plural) دخل (He)...

“Getting in” (structure) (present) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Getting in" (the verb, in the context of a structure, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) Dekhel (I) (f) Dekhla (You) (m) Dekhel (You) (f) Dekhla (You, plural) Dekhlin (He) Dekhel (She) Dekhla (We) Dekhlin (They) Dekhlin Using the Arabic script, it is written as: داخل...

“Gets in” (structure) (third-person) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Gets in" (the verb, in the context of a structure, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yodkhol (f) Todkhol Using the Arabic script, it is written as:  يدخل (m)  تدخل (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "There's a...

“Get in” (structure) (future) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Get in" (the verb, in the context of a structure, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nodkhol (You) Todkhol (You, plural) Todkhlou (He) Yodkhol (She) Todkhol (We) Nodkhlou (They) Yodkhlou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ندخل (I) تدخل (You) تدخلو (You, plural) يدخل (He)...

“Returning” (living being) (present) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returning" (the verb, in the context of a living being or beings, in the present tense) is written as: (I) Geri dönüyorum (You) Geri dönüyorsun (You, formal) Geri dönüyorsunuz (You, plural) Geri dönüyorsunuz (He, She, It) Geri dönüyor (We) Geri dönüyoruz (They) Geri dönüyorlar Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or...

“Returned” (living being) (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Returned" (the verb, in the context of a living being or beings, in the past tense) is written as: (I) Geri döndüm (You) Geri döndün (You, formal) Geri döndünüz (You, plural) Geri döndünüz (He, She, It) Geri döndü (We) Geri döndük (They) Geri döndüler Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences...

“Stop” (subject) (imperative) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Stop" (as in the imperative statement, in the singular form) is written as: Dur In Turkish, "Stop" (in the plural form) is written as: Durun Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Stop here." Burada due.   "Stop after the lights." Işıklardan sonra dur.   (as in...

“Football” (sport) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Football" (the noun, as in the sport) is written as: Futbol (Editor’s note: This is in regards to conventional European football (the same as Soccer in North America) and not American football.) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My kids play football." Çocuklarım futbol oynar.   "Football...

“Right” (direction) in Greek

In Greek, "Right" (the adjective, as in the direction, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Deksios (f) Deksia (n) Deksi Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (m) Δεξιός (f) Δεξιά (n) Δεξί In Greek, "Right" (the adjective, as in the direction, in the plural form) is written using...

“Go straight” in Greek

In Greek, "Go straight" is written using the Latin script as: Pigaine eftheia Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Πήγαινε ευθεία Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How far should I go straight on this road?" Poso na pao eftheia s'afto to dromo? Πόσο να πάω ευθεία...

“Left” (direction) in Greek

In Greek, "Left" (the adjective, as in the direction, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Aristeros (f) Aristeri (n) Aristero Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (m) Αριστερός (f) Αριστερή (n) Αριστερό In Greek, "Left" (the adjective, as in the direction, in the plural form) is written using...

“Have a good day!” in Greek

In Greek, "Have a good day!" is written using the Latin script as: (singular) Kali mera na exeis! (plural) Kali mera na exete! Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (singular) Καλή μέρα να έχεις! (plural) Καλή μέρα να έχετε! Listen to these two phrases pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Have...

“Receipt”, “Receipts” in Greek

In Greek, "Receipt" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Apodeiksi Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Απόδειξη In Greek, "Receipts" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Apodeikseis Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Αποδείξεις Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)  ...

“Makes” (manufacture) (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Makes" (the verb, as in manufacturing, in the third person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Yasna3 (f) Tasna3 Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يصنع (m) تصنع (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This company makes furniture." El...

“Make” (manufacture) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Make" (the verb, as in manufacturing, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Nasna3 (You) Tasna3 (You, plural) Tasn3ou (He) Yasna3 (She) Tasna3 (We) Nasn3ou (They) Yasn3ou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نصنع (I) تصنع (You) تصنعو (You, plural) يصنع (He) تصنع (She) نصنعو (We) يصنعو...

“Lit” (past) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Lit" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Cha3alt (You) Cha3alt (You, plural) Cha3altou (He) Cha3el (She) Cha3let (We) Cha3alna (They) Cha3lou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: شعّلت (I) شعّلت (You) شعّلتو (You, plural) شعّل (He) شعّلت (She) شعّلنا (We) شعّلو (They) Listen...

“Lighting” (present) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Lighting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) (m) 9a3ed ncha3el (I) (f) 9a3da ncha3el (You) (m) 9a3ed tcha3el (You) (f) 9a3da tcha3el (You, plural) 9a3din tcha3lou (He) 9a3ed ycha3el (She) 9a3da tcha3el (We) 9a3din ncha3lou (They) 9a3din ycha3lou Using the Arabic script, it is written...

“Lights” (third-person) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Lights" (the verb, in the third person participle) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Ycha3el (f) Tcha3el Using the Arabic script, it is written as: يشعّل (m)  تشعّل (f) Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This lighter lights well." El brikeya hedhi tcha3el...

“Light” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Light" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as: (I) Ncha3el (You) Tcha3el (You, plural) Tcha3lou (He) Ycha3el (She) Tcha3el (We) Ncha3lou (They) Ycha3lou Using the Arabic script, it is written as: نشعّل (I) تشعّل (You) تشعّلو (You, plural) يشعّل (He) تشعّل (She) نشعّلو (We) يشعّلو (They) Listen...

“Interest” (financial) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Interest" (the noun, as in money accrued in exchange for lending money) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Interis Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنتاريس (m) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's an interest-free loan." 9ardh men ghir interis. .قرض...

“Ten” (10) in Greek

In Greek, "Ten" (10) is written using the Latin script as: Deka Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Δέκα Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We need to leave in 10 minutes." Prepei na figoume se deka lepta. Πρέπει να φύγουμε σε δέκα λεπτά.   "The breakfast costs...

“Nine” (9) in Greek

In Greek, "Nine" (9) is written using the Latin script as: Ennia Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Εννιά Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I woke up at 9am today." Ksipnisa stis ennia to proi simera. Ξύπνησα στις εννιά το πρωί σήμερα.   "The museum is...

“Credit card”, “Credit cards” in Greek

In Greek, "Credit card" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Pistotiki karta Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Πιστωτική κάρτα In Greek , "Credit cards" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Pistotikes kartes Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (f) Πιστωτικές κάρτες Listen...

“Cash” in Greek

In Greek, "Cash" is written using the Latin script as: Metrita Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Μετρητά Listen to these this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How much cash do you have?" Posa metrita exeis? Πόσα μετρητά έχεις?   "I have some cash on me." Exo kapoia metrita...

“Bill”, “Bills” (nouns) in Greek

In Greek, "Bill" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Logariasmos Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (m) Λογαριασμός In Greek, "Bills" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Logariasmoi Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (m) Λογαριασμοί Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)  ...

“Internet” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Internet" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as: (f) Internet Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أنترنت (f) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am on the internet." (m) 9e3ed nconnecti. (f) 9e3eda nconnecti. .قاعد نكونكتي (m) .قاعدة نكونكتي (f)  ...

“Circular” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Circular" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Mdawar (f) Mdawra Using the Arabic script, it is written as: مدور (m) مدورة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Circular" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as: Mdawrin Using the Arabic script, it...

“Light” (shade) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Light" (the adjective, as in a shade of colour, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: (m) Feta7 (f) Fet7a Using the Arabic script, it is written as: فاتح (m) فاتحة (f) In Tunisian Arabic, "Light" (the adjective, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:...

“Marketing” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Marketing" is written using the Latin script as: (m) Marketing Using the Arabic script, it is written as: ماركتينغ (m) Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I want to study marketing at university." N7eb na9ra marketing fel fac. .نحب نقرا ماركتينغ في الفاك   "These books...

“Brighter” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Brighter" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as: Adhwa Using the Arabic script, it is written as: أضوء Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want it brighter in here?" T7ebha adhwa houni? تحبها أضوء هوني؟   "How do...

“Six” (6) in Greek

In Greek, "Six'' (6) is written using the Latin script as: Eksi Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Έξι Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I saw six cats today.'' Eida eksi gates simera. Είδα έξι γάτες σήμερα.   "Let’s meet up at 6pm." As vrethoume stis...

“Seven” (7) in Greek

In Greek, "Seven" (7) is written using the Latin script as: Epta or Efta Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Επτά or Εφτά Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I wake my son up at 7am.'' Ksipnao ton gio mou stis epta to proi. Ξυπνάω τον γιο...

“Four” (4) in Greek

In Greek, "Four" (4) is written using the Latin script as: (m) (f) Tesseris (n) Tessera Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: (m) (f) Τέσσερις (n) Τέσσερα Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I have four children." Exo tessera paidia. Έχω τέσσερα παιδιά.   "There are four...

“Five” (5) in Greek

In Greek, "Five" (5) is written using the Latin script as: Pente Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Πέντε Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I’m busy until 5pm." Exo douleia mexri tis pente to apogevma. Έχω δουλειά μέχρι τις πέντε το απόγευμα.   "My child will...

“Eight” (8) in Greek

In Greek, "Eight" (8) is written using the Latin script as: Okto or Oxto Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as: Οκτώ or Οχτώ Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s 8 in the morning.'' Einai oxto to proi. Είναι οχτώ το πρωί.   "Will you leave at 8am?."...
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