“You all” in Greek

In Greek, “You all” is written using the Latin script as:

(when what is described is the subject is) Oloi

(when what is described is the object is) Olous

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(when what is described is the subject is) Όλοι

(when what is described is the object is) Όλους

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Are you all done with this?

Exete oloi teleiosei me afto?

Έχετε όλοι τελειώσει με αυτό;

You all are funny!

Eiste oloi astioi!

Είστε όλοι αστείοι!

How are you all?

Pos eiste oloi?

Πώς είστε όλοι;

How did you all like your meals?

Pos sas fanike to fagito?

Πώς σας φάνηκε το φαγητό;

I’ll meet you all there.

Tha sas sinantiso olous ekei.

Θα σας συναντήσω όλους εκεί.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“You all” in Lebanese Arabic

“You all” in Tunisian Arabic

“You all” in Turkish

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