"Yes" in Greek

In Greek, "Yes" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Yes, that would be great!"

Nai, auto tha itan teleio!

Ναι, αυτό θα ήταν τέλειο!

"Yes, that's right."

Nai, sosta.

Ναι, σωστά.

"Yes, my name is…"

Nai, to onoma mou einai....

Ναι, το όνομα μου είναι...

"Yes, I am from…"

Nai, eimai apo....

Ναι, είμαι από...

"Yes, sugar in one coffee and no sugar in the other."

Nai, me zaxari o enas kafes kai o allos oxi.

Ναι, με ζάχαρη ο ένας καφές και ο άλλος όχι.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Yes” in Egyptian Arabic

“Yes” in Lebanese Arabic

“Yes” in Spanish

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