"Year", "Years" in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Year" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


In Egyptian Arabic, "Years" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"That building is 50 years old."

El mabnah dah b2alo 5amsen sanah.

.المبني ده بقالو خمسين سنة

"What year did this restaurant start?"

Fe anhi sanah el mat3am dah bda2?

في انهي سنة المطعم ده بدأ؟

"Next year."

El sanah el gayah.

.السنة الجاية

"This year."

El sanah de.

.السنة دي

"See you next year!"

24ofk el sanah el gayah!

!اشوفك السنة الجاية


Related words in Egyptian Arabic

“Day”, “Daytime”, “Days” in Egyptian Arabic

“Month”, “Months” in Egyptian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Year”, “Years” in Lebanese Arabic

“Year”, “Years” in Tunisian Arabic

“Year”, “Years” in Turkish

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