“Wrote” (past) in Greek

In Greek, “Wrote” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Egrapsa

(You) Egrapses

(You, formal) Grapsate

(You, plural) Grapsate

(He, She, It) Egrapse

(We) Grapsame

(They) Egrapsan

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Έγραψα

(You) Έγραψες

(You, formal) Γράψατε

(You, plural) Γράψατε

(He, She, It) Έγραψε

(We) Γράψαμε

(They) Έγραψαν

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I wrote a speech for my sister’s wedding.

Egrapsa enan logo gia ton gamo tis adelfis mou.

Έγραψα έναν λόγο για τον γάμο της αδελφής μου.

I didn’t write in my diary last night.

Den egrapsa sto imerologio mou xtes to vradi.

Δεν έγραψα στο ημερολόγιο μου χτες το βράδυ.

What did you write about in your thesis?

Gia poio pragma egrapses sti diplomatiki sou?

Για ποιο πράγμα έγραψες στη διπλωματική σου;

Did you all finish writing your essays?

Grapsate oloi tis ektheseis sas?

Γράψατε όλοι τις εκθέσεις σας;

My wife wrote this article.

I ginaikai mou egrapse afto to arthro.

Η γυναίκα μου έγραψε αυτό το άρθρο.

He wrote an email to his boss yesterday.

Egrapse ena email sto afentiko tou xtes.

Έγραψε ένα email στο αφεντικό του χτες.

”We wrote a song together.”

Grapsame ena tragoudi mazi.

Γράψαμε ένα τραγούδι μαζί.

”They wrote it down.”

To egrapsan.

Το έγραψαν.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Wrote” (Past) in Turkish

“Wrote” (Past) in Lebanese Arabic

“Wrote” (Past) in Tunisian Arabic

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