"Writing" (present) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Writing" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (m) Bakteb

(I) (f) Bakteb

(You) (m) Btekteb

(You) (f) Btekteby

(You, plural) Btektebo

(He) Byekteb

(She) Btekteb

(We) Bnekteb

(They) Byektebo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بكتب (m) (I)

بكتب (f) (I)

بتكتب (m) (You)

بتكتبي (f) (You)

بتكتبوا (You, plural)

بيكتب (He)

بتكتب (She)

بنكتب (We)

بيكتبوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I am writing an email to my boss."

Ana bakteb email ly modery.

.انا بكتب ايميل لي مديري

"I'm not writing anything at the moment."

Ana m4 bakteb ay 7aga delwa2ty.

.انا مش بكتب اي حاجه دلوقتي

"What are you writing?"

Enta btekteb eh?

انت بتكتب ايه؟

"Are you all writing your assignments now?"

Ento kolko btektbo mohematko delwa2ty?

انتو كلكوا بتكتبوا مهماتكوا دلوقتي؟

"She is writing her speech for the event."

Heya btekteb 5etabha ly al 7adas.

.هي بتكتب خطابها لي الحدث

"He is writing his thesis this semester."

Howa byekteb 2tro7et al term dh.

.هو بيكتب اطروحة الترم ده

"He isn't writing her diary today."

Howa m4 byekteb mozkratha al naharda.

.هو مش بيكتب مذاكرتها النهاردة

"We are writing a collaborative story in class today."

E7na bnktb qesah ta3awoneya fy al fasl al naharda.

.احنا بنكتب قصة تعاونية في الفصل النهاردة

"They are writing a book together."

Homa byektbo ketab m3 ba3d.

.هما بيكتبوا كتاب مع بعض


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

"Writing" (present) in Tunisian Arabic

"Writing" (present) in Greek

“Writing” (present) in Turkish

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