"Well done!" in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Well done!" (in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) A7snt!

(f) A7snty!

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

!احسنت (m)

!احسنتي (f)

In Egyptian Arabic, "Well done!" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Well done! You aced the test."

(m) A7snt! 2nta nag7t fe el 25tbar.

(f) A7snty! 2nty nag7ty fe el 25tbar.

.احسنت! انت نجحت في الاختبار (m)

.احسنتي! انتي نجحتي في الاختبار (f)

"Well done. You graduated!"

(m) A7snt. 2nta 2t5argt!

(f) A7snty. 2nty 2t5argty!

!احسنت. انت اتخرجت (m)

!احسنتي. انتي اتخرجتي (f)

"You played good today. Well done!"

(m) 2nta la3bt kewayes 2nhrda. A7snt!

(f) 2nty la3bty kewayes 2nhrda. A7snty!

!انت لعبت كويس انهردة. احسنت (m)

!انتى لعبتى كويس انهردة. احسنتى (f)

"You all performed well on the exam."

2adetom kolokom 2da2 kewayes fe el 2mt7an.

.اديتم كلكم اداء كويس في الامتحان

"Well done team!"

A7sntom ya fare2!

!احسنتم يا فريق


Related words in Egyptian Arabic

“Great!” in Egyptian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Well done!” in Lebanese Arabic

“Well done!” in Tunisian Arabic

“Well done!” in Turkish

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