“Updated” (publication) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Updated” (the verb,  in the context of a publication, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 7ayyant

(You) 7ayyant

(You, plural) 7ayyanna

(He) 7ayyan

(She) 7ayynet

(We) 7ayyana

(They) 7ayynou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

حيّنت (I)

حيّنت (You)

حيّنتو (You, plural)

حيّن (He)

حيّنت (She)

حيّننا (We)

حيّنو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I updated the article.”

7ayyant el ma9al.

.حيّنت المقال

“The article isn’t updated yet.”

El ma9al hetha mezel mehouch m7ayyen.

.المقال هذا مازال ماهوش محيّن

“Did you update the song track in the video?”

7ayyant el ma9ta3 mta3 l ghné fel video?

حيّنت المقطع متع الغناء في الفيديو؟

“Did you two update the recording?”

Entouma ezzouz 7ayyantou ettasjil?

انتوما الزوز حيّنتو التسجيل؟

“Some sections of this book were updated.”

Fama des parties mel kteb t7ayynou.

.فمّا داي بارتي مالكتاب تحيّنو

“He updated the article last night.”

7ayyan el ma9al lbera7 fellil.

.حيّن المقال لبارح في الليل

“She updated part of the song as the producer requested.”

7ayynet partie mel ghneya kima l mokhrej tlab menha.

.حيّنت بارتي مالغناية كيما المخرج طلب منها

“We updated the video.”

7ayyana el video.

.حيّنا الفيديو

“They updated the article last week.”

7ayynou el video ejjom3a li fetet.

.حيّنو الفيديو الجمعة اللّي فاتت


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Updated” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

“Updated” (past) in Turkish

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