"Twenty one" (21) in Egyptian Arabic
In Egyptian Arabic, "Twenty one" is written using the Latin script as:
Wa7ed w 34ren
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
واحد و عشرين
When "21" is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:
Listen to this number pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"21 dollars."
Wa7ed w 34ren dollar.
.واحد و عشرين دولار
"My children are 21 and 19."
3yaly 3andohom 21 w 19 sanah.
.عيالي عندهم ٢١ و ١٩ سنة
"I'm 21 years old."
Ana 3ndy wa7ed w 34ren sanah.
.انا عندي واحد و عشرين سنة
"We've been married for 21 years."
E7na metgawzen mn 21 sanah.
.احنا متجوزين من ٢١ سنة
"We're in Row 21."
E7na fe el saf el wa7ed w 34ren.
.احنا في الصف الواحد وعشرين
Other numbers in Egyptian Arabic
“Twenty” (20) in Egyptian Arabic
“Twenty two” (22) in Egyptian Arabic
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Twenty-one” (21) in Lebanese Arabic
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