"Twenty-eight" (28) in Turkish

In Turkish, the number "Twenty-eight" (28) is written as:

Yirmi sekiz

Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I am 28 years old."

Ben 28 yaşındayım.

"He is 28 years old."

O 28 yaşında.

"It's 28 degrees."

Hava 28 derece.

"It was 28 degrees earlier today."

Bugün erken saatlerde hava 28 dereceydi.

"The price is 28 Turkish liras."

Fiyatı 28 Türk lirasıdır.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Twenty-eight” (28) in Lebanese Arabic

“Twenty-eight” (28) in Tunisian Arabic

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