“Translated” (past) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Translated” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Targemt

(You) Targemt

(You, plural) Targemto

(He) Targem

(She) Targemet

(We) Targemna

(They) Targemo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

ترجمت (I)

ترجمت (You)

ترجمتوا (You, plural)

ترجم (He)

ترجمت (She)

ترجمنا (We)

ترجموا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I translated a document for the meeting.”

Ana targt wasiqa lil2egtma3.

.انا ترجمت وثيقه للإجتماع

“You didn’t translate the correct document.”

Enta mtargemt4 alwasiqa alsa7.

.انت مترجمتش الوثيقه الصح

“You translated the instructions into multiple documents.”

Enta targemt alta3limat lmostanadat kteir.

.انت ترجمت التعليمات لمستندات كتير

“Did you two translate the documents for the meeting?”

Ento al2tnen targemto alwasa2q lil2egtma3?

انتوا الاتنين ترجمتوا الوثائق للإجتماع؟

“He said he translated the first paragraph.”

Howa 2al 2noh targem alfaqra al2olah.

.هو قال انه ترجم الفقرة الاولى

“She translated several articles in her internship.”

Heya targemet mqalat kteir fy 5elal fatret tadrebha.

.هي ترجمت مقالات كتير في خلال فترة تدريبها

“The team didn’t translate the documents into English.”

Alfare2 mtargem3 alwasa2q lil2ngilizeyah.

.الفريق مترجمش الوثائق للإنجليزيه

“We translated the documents ourselves.”

E7na targemna alwasa2q bnfsna.

.احنا ترجمنا الوثائق بنفسنا

“They got their documents translated by a professional.”

Homa 5adoh wasa2qhm motargamah mn mot5ases.

.هما خده وثائقهم مترجمة من متخصص


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Translated” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

“Translated” (past) in Tunisian Arabic


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