“Took” (photo) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Took” (the verb, in the context of taking a photo, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Khdhyt

(You) Khdhyt

(You, plural) Khdhytou

(He) Khdhe

(She) Khdhet

(We) Khdhyna

(They) Khdheou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

خذيت (I)

خذيت (You)

خذيتو (You, plural)

خذا (He)

خذات (She)

خذينا (We)

خذاو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I took a few pictures of you. Do you want to see them?

Khdhytlek chwaya tsawer. T7eb tchoufhom?

خذيتلك شوية تصاور. تحب تشوفهم؟

I didn’t take any picture of the view because my phone died.

Ma khdhyt 7ata taswira lel vue khater talifouni ta7 charge.

.ماخذيت حتى تصويرة للفيو خاتر تليفوني تاح شارج

Did you take a picture of the birthday cake before cutting it?

Yekhi khdhyt taswira lel gâteaux mta3 l3id miled 9bal ma t9osha?

ياخي خذيت تصويرة للقاتو متع العيد ميلاد قبل ما تقصها؟

Did you two take enough pictures of the landmarks you visited when you went to Egypt?

Yekhi khdhytou tsawer tekfi  lel ma3alem eli zortouhom wa9teli mchitou zortou masr?

ياخي خذيتو تصاورتكفي للمعالم الي زرتوهم وقتلي مشيتو لمصر؟

He took pictures of the cute puppy we saw at the park yesterday.

Khdhe tsawer ljerew cute chofneh lbera7 fel parc .

.خذاو تصاور لجرو كيوت شفناه البارح في البارك

She took a few pictures with her friends yesterday.

Khdhet chwaya tsawer m3a s7abha lbera7.

.خذات شويا تصاور معا صحابها لبارح

We took a selfie with her.

Khdhina selfie m3aha.

.خذينا سلفي معاها

They took a few pictures of the artworks displayed at the exhibition.

Khdhew chwaya tsawer lel a3mel lfaneya eli t3ordhet fel ma3redh.

. خذاوشويا تصاور للاعمال الفنية الي تعرضت في المعرض


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Take” (photo) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Took” (something or someone) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Took” (transporting) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

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