“Toe nail”, “Toe nails” in Greek

In Greek, "Toe nail" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(n) Nyxi tou podiou

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(n) Νύχι του ποδιού

In Greek , "Toe nails" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(n) Nyxia tou podiou

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(n) Νύχια του ποδιού

Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"She clipped her toe nails."

Ekopse ta nyxia ton podion tis.

Έκοψε τα νύχια των ποδιών της.

"He has an ingrown toe nail."

Exei ena gyrismeno nyxi sto podi.

Έχει ένα γυρισμένο νύχι στο πόδι.

"The toe nails need trimming."

Ta nyxia tou podiou xreiazontai limarisma.

Τα νύχια του ποδιού χρειάζονται λιμάρισμα.

"Cut your toenails."

Kopse ta nyxia tou podiou sou.

Κόψε τα νύχια του ποδιού σου.

"Our dog's toe nails need trimmed."

Ta nyxia tou skylou xreiazontai kontema.

Τα νύχια του σκύλου χρειάζονται κόντεμα.
(Editor's note: In the statement above, nyxia tou skylou / νύχια του σκύλου means "nails of the dog". In Greek, the term podiou / ποδιού ("Toe") doesn't exist. Intuitively, dogs only have feet (not hands), so in Greek, there isn't a word for "toe" when referring to an animal with only legs.)

Related words in Greek

“Toe”, “Toes” in Greek

“Fingernail”, “Fingernails” in Greek

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Toe nail”, “Toe nails” in Egyptian Arabic

“Toe nail”, “Toe nails” in Lebanese Arabic

“Toe nail”, “Toe nails” in Tunisian Arabic

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