"Today" in Moroccan Arabic

In Moroccan Arabic, "Today" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this word pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Today is Wednesday."

Lyoum larb3a.

.اليوم لاربعا

"What do you want to do today?"

(You) Chno bghiti dir lyoum?

(We) Chno bghito diro lyoum?

شنو بغيتي دير اليوم ؟ (You)

شنو بغيتو ديرو اليوم ؟ (We)

"I can meet at 4pm today."

Na9dar ntla9a bik lyoum m3a rab3a dyal l3chiya.

.نقدر نتلاقا بيك اليوم مع الربعة ديال العشية

"We're going to go watch a movie today."

Anmchiw ntfarjo film lyoum.

.أنمشيو نتفرجو فيلم اليوم

"We arrive later today."

Jina m3atlin lyoum.

.جينا معطلين اليوم


Related words in Moroccan Arabic

“Now” in Moroccan Arabic

"Tonight" in Moroccan Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Today” in Egyptian Arabic

“Today” in Tunisian Arabic

“Today” in Greek

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