“To go” in Greek

In Greek, “To go” is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:


Listen to this word/term/phrase pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Two days to go until graduation.

Dyo meres mexri tin apofoitisi.

Δύο μέρες μέχρι την αποφοίτηση.

Three days to go until the deadline.”

Treis meres mexri tin prothesmia.

Τρεις μέρες μέχρι την προθεσμία.

Three months to go until my birthday.

Treis mines mexri ta genethlia mou.

Τρεις μήνες μέχρι τα γενέθλιά μου.

One week to go until our wedding day.

Mia vdomada mexri to gamo mas.

Μία βδομάδα μέχρι το γάμο μας.

Ten minutes to go.

Deka lepta akomi.

Δέκα λεπτά ακόμη.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“To go” in Turkish

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