“Tiny” in Greek

In Greek, “Tiny” (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

(masculine-based noun) Mikroulis

(feminine-based noun) Mikroula

(neutral-based noun) Mikrouli

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(masculine-based noun) Μικρούλης

(feminine-based noun) Μικρούλα

(neutral-based noun)) Μικρούλι

In Greek, “Tiny” (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:

(masculine-based noun) Mikroulikoi

(feminine-based noun) Mikroulikes

(neutral-based noun) Mikroulika

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(masculine-based noun) Μικρούλικοι

(feminine-based noun) Μικρούλικες

(neutral-based noun) Μικρούλικα

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

She’s so tiny.

Einai toso mikrokamomeni.

Είναι τόσο μικροκαμωμένη.

The baby’s toes are so tiny!

Oi patouses tou morou einai toso mikroulikes.

Οι πατούσες του μωρού είναι τόσο μικρούλικες.

My room is tiny, but cozy.

To domatio mou einai mikrouli alla xouxouliariko.

Το δωμάτιο μου είναι μικρούλι αλλά χουχουλιάρικο.

The cat left a tiny scar on my arm.

I gata afise ena mikrouli simadi sto xeri mou.

Η γάτα άφησε ένα μικρούλι σημάδι στο χέρι μου.

The kitten is so tiny.

To gataki einai toso mikrouli.

Το γατάκι είναι τόσο μικρούλι.

Related words in Greek

“Large” in Greek

“Small” in Greek

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Tiny” in Lebanese Arabic

“Tiny” in Tunisian Arabic

“Tiny” in Turkish

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