"Tasting" (present) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Tasting" (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 3ambdou2

(You) (m) 3ambetdou2

(You) (f) 3ambetdou2e

(You, plural) 3amendou2

(He) 3ambidou2

(She) 3ambetdou2

(We) 3amendou2

(They) 3ambidou2o

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

عمبدوق (I)

عمبتدوق (m) (You)

عمبتدوقي (f) (You)

عمبتدوقو (You, plural)

عمبيدوق (He)

عمبتدوق (She)

عمندوق (We)

عمبيدوقو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I’m tasting the different olive oils now."

3ambdou2 kaza zayt 2al zaytoun hala2.

.عمبدوق كازا زيت الزيتون حلاق

"I’m not tasting enough garlic in this meal."

Ma3ambdou2 ktir toum bel 2akel.

.ماعمبدوق كتير توم بلأكل

"What flavours are you tasting?"

(m) Shoul ta3em 3ambetdou2?

(f) Shoul ta3em 3ambetdou2e?

شول تعم عمبتدوق؟ (m)

شول تعم عمبتدوقي؟ (f)

"What flavours are you two tasting in the olive oil?"

Shoul ta3em 3ambetdou2o naynetkon bel zayt 2al zaytoun?

شول تعم عمبتدوقو نايناتكون بلزيت الزيتون؟

"We are tasting the wines now."

3amendou2 2al wines hala2.

.حلاق winesعمندوق أل

"The judges are tasting the various olive oils now."

2al kada2 3ambidou2o kaza zayt 2al zaytoun hala2.

.ألأقضاق عمبيدوقو الزيت الزيتون حلاق


Related words in Lebanese Arabic

“Taste” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

“Tastes” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic

“Tasted” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Tasting” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

“Tasting” (present) in Turkish

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