"Tastes" (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "Tastes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as:
(m) Bidou2
(f) Betdou2
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
بيدوق (m)
بيتدوق (f)
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"The Chef tastes every meal he cooks."
2al chef bidou2 kel 2akel byitbokh.
.ألشاف بيدوق كلأكل بيتبوخ
"The Chef tastes every meal she cooks."
2al chef betdou2 kel 2akel btetbokh.
.ألشاف بيتدوق كلأكل بتتبوخ
"The cook tastes the soup before serving it."
(m) 2al chef bidou2 2al shorba 2abel mayidayifa.
(f) 2al chef betdou2 2al shorba 2abel matdayifa.
.ألشاف بيدوق ألشوربا أبلمايضيفا (m)
.ألشاف بيتدوق ألشوربا أبلماتضيفا (f)
"He tastes the soup once it's ready."
Bidou2 2al shorba lama bikoun jehiz.
.بيدوق ألشوربا لاما بيكون جاهيز
"She tastes the soup when it's ready."
Betdou2 2al shorba lama bikoun jehiz.
.بتيدوق ألشوربا لاما بيكون جاهيز
Related words in Lebanese Arabic
“Taste” (future) in Lebanese Arabic
“Tasting” (present) in Lebanese Arabic
“Tasted” (past) in Lebanese Arabic
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