"Tastes" (third-person) in Greek
In Greek, "Tastes" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
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Examples in sentences or statements
"He always tastes his grandma's soup while she's cooking."
Dokimazei panta ti soupa tis giagias tou opote mageirevei.
Δοκιμάζει πάντα τη σούπα της γιαγιάς του όποτε μαγειρεύει.
"He tastes the sauce while he's cooking."
Dokimazei ti saltsa otan mageirevei.
Δοκιμάζει τη σάλτσα όταν μαγειρεύει.
"She tastes lots of different foods while at the market."
Dokimazei polla diaforetika fagita otan einai stin agora.
Δοκιμάζει πολλά διαφορετικά φαγητά όταν είναι στην αγορά.
"He tastes his wife's cooking while she's making it."
Dokimazei ti mageiriki tis gynaikas tou otan to ftiaxnei.
Δοκιμάζει τη μαγειρική της γυναίκας του όταν το φτιάχνει.
"She tastes her soup while cooking constantly to make sure it tastes right."
Dokimazei ti soupa tis synexws otan mageirevei gia na sigoureftei oti exei ti sosti gefsi.
Δοκιμάζει τη σούπα της συνεχώς όταν μεγειρεύει για να σιγουρευτεί ότι έχει τη σωστή γεύση.
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Tastes” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic
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