"Tasted" (past) in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Tasted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) Dho9t
(You) Dho9t
(You, plural) Dho9tou
(He) Dhe9
(She) Dhe9et
(We) Dho9na
(They) Dhe9ou
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
ذقت (I)
ذقت (You)
ذقتو (You, plural)
ذاق (He)
ذاقت (She)
ذقنا (We)
ذاقو (They)
Listen to these words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I've tasted that olive oil before. It's good!"
Zit ezzitouna hedha behy dho9t. Mennou 9bal!
!زيت الزّيتونة هذا باهي ذقت. منّو قبل
"Have you tasted it yet?"
Dho9t mennou walla mezzelt?
ذقت منّو ولاّ مازلت؟
"Have you tasted your dessert yet?"
Dho9t el dessert mte3ek walla mazelt?
ذقت الدّيسار متاعك ولاّ مازلت؟
"What ingredients do you taste in the soup?"
Chnouma el moukawnet elli dho9thom fel soupe?
شنوما المكونات اللّي ذقتهم في السوب؟
"He tasted the soup."
Howa dhe9 el soupe.
.هو ذاق السوب
"She just tasted Tunisian tea for the first time!"
Hedhi awel mara dhe9et fiha el thé el Tounsi!
!هذي أول مرة ذاقت فيها التاي التونسي
"We've tasted this brand before."
Dho9na menha el naw3ya hedhi 9bal.
.ذقنا منها النوعية هذي قبل
"Have you ever tasted Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tunisia before?"
3omrekchi dho9t zit zitouna ndhou7 men tounes 9bal?
عمركشي ذقت زيت زيتونة نضوح من تونس قبل؟
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