"Tasted" (past) in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "Tasted" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) De2et
(You) (m) De2et
(You) (f) De2te
(You, plural) De2to
(He) De2
(She) De2it
(We) De2na
(They) De2o
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
دقت (I)
دقت (m) (You)
دقتي (f) (You)
دقتو (You, plural)
داق (He)
داقيت (She)
دقنا (We)
داقو (They)
Listen to these words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I tasted the food. It tastes great!"
De2et 2al 2akel. Ktir ta3me!
!دقت ألقكل. كتير تاعمي
"Have you tasted this type of food before?"
(m) Deyi2 hek 2akel 2abel?
(f) Dey2e hek 2akel 2abel?
دايق حاك أكل أبل؟ (m)
دايقي حاك أكل أبل؟ (f)
"Have you two tasted this kind of food before?"
Shi mara naynetkon de2to hek 2akel 2abel?
شيمارا نايناتكون دقتو حاك أكل أبل؟
"My Dad tasted it."
Baye de2.
.باي داق
"My Mom tasted it."
2eme de2it.
.أمي داقيت
"We tasted all the wines."
De2na kel 2al wines.
.winesديقنا كل أل
"They tasted all the wines."
De2o kel 2al wines.
.winesداقو كل أل
Related words in Lebanese Arabic
“Taste” (future) in Lebanese Arabic
“Tastes” (third-person) in Lebanese Arabic
“Tasted” (present) in Lebanese Arabic
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