“Swim” (future) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Swim” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) A3om

(You) T3om

(You, plural) T3omo

(He) Y3om

(She) T3om

(We) N3om

(They) Y3omo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

اعوم (I)

تعوم (You)

تعوموا (You, plural)

يعوم (He)

تعوم (She)

نعوم (We)


Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m going to swim this morning.”

Ana harou7 a3om al naharda.

.انا هروح اعوم النهارده

“I’m not going to swim today.”

Ana m4 haro7 a3om al naharda.

.انا مش هروح اعوم النهارده

“Are you going to swim this morning?”

Anta raye7 t3om al sob7?

انت رايح تعوم الصبح؟

“Are you two going to swim today?”

Ento ray7en t3omo al naharda?

انتو رايحين تعوموا النهاردة؟

“He is going to swim this afternoon.”

Howa raye7 y3om al nahrda ba3d al doher.

.هو رايح يعوم النهارده بعد الضهر

“She said that she is going swim in the sea this afternoon.”

Hya ray7a t3om fi al ba7r al nahrda ba3d al doher.

.هى رايحة تعوم فى البحر النهاردة بعد الضهر

“We are going swim in the sea.”

E7na hanro7 n3om fi alba7r.

.احنا هنروح نعوم في البحر

“They are going to swim in the pool for a bit.”

Homa hyro7o y3omo felbecen 4ewaya.

.هما هيروحوا يعوموا فالبيسين شوية


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Swim” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

“Swim” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Swim” (future) in Turkish

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