“Squeeze” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Squeeze” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Bech na3ser

(You) Bech ta3ser

(You, plural) Bech ta3srou

(He) Bech ya3ser

(She) Bech ta3ser

(We) Bech na3srou

(They) Bech ya3srou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

باش نعصر (I)

باش تعصر (You)

باش تعصروا (You, plural)

باش يعصر (He)

باش تعصر (She)

باش نعصروا (We)

باش يعصروا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I will squeeze the lemon.

Bech na3ser citron.

.باش نعصر سيترون

Can you squeeze some fresh orange juice?

Miselch bech ta3ser chwaya 3sir mta3 lim freshk?

ميسالش باش تعصر شوية عصير متاع ليم فرشك؟

Can you two squeeze a few lemons to make lemonade?

Miselch bech ta3srou tarf citron bch na3mlou citronnade?

ميسالش باش تعصروا طرف سيترون باش نعملوا سيتروناد؟

He is going to squeeze lemons to make lemonade.

Bech ya3ser citron bech ya3mel citronnade.

.باش يعصر سيترون باش يعمل سيتروناد

She is going to squeeze some orange juice for breakfast.

Bech ta3ser chwaya 3sir mta3 lim lftour sbe7.

.باش تعصر شوية عصير متاع ليم لفطور الصباح

We are going to squeeze the lemons.

Bech na3srou citrons.

.باش نعصروا سيترون

They are going to squeeze the oranges to make orange juice.

Bech ya3srou lim bech ya3mlou 3sir lim.

.باش يعصروا ليم باش يعملوا عصير ليم


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