“Spoke” (past) in Greek

In Greek, “Spoke” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Milisa

(You) Milises

(You, formal) Milisate

(You, plural) Milisate

(He, She, It) Milise

(We) Milisame

(They) Milisan

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Μίλησα

(You) Μίλησες

(You, formal) Μιλήσατε

(You, plural) Μιλήσατε

(He, She, It) Μίλησε

(We) Μιλήσαμε

(They) Μίλησαν

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I spoke with your mother about it.

Milisa me tin mitera sou gi’afto.

Μίλησα με την μητέρα σου γι’αυτό.

I didn’t speak Spanish. I spoke Portuguese.

Den milisa Ispanika. Milisa Portogalika.

Δεν μίλησα Ισπανικά. Μίλησα Πορτογαλικά.

Did you speak with her about what happened?

Milises mazi tis gia to ti sinevi?

Μίλησες μαζί της για το τι συνέβη;

What did you two speak about?

Gia ti pragma milisate eseis oi dio?

Για τι πράγμα μιλήσατε εσείς οι δύο;

He spoke about what happened.

Milise gi’afto pou sinevi.

Μίλησε γι’αυτό που συνέβη.

She didn’t speak with her father about this yet.

Den milise me ton patera tis akoma gi’afto.

Δεν μίλησε με τον πατέρα της ακόμα γι’αυτό.

”She spoke at the event.”

Milise stin ekdilosi.

Μίλησε στην εκδήλωση.

”We spoke about going on a trip abroad.”

Milisame mipos pame ena taksidi sto eksoteriko.

Μιλήσαμε μήπως πάμε ένα ταξίδι στο εξωτερικό.

”They spoke among themselves about the issue.”

Milisan metaksi tous gi’afto to zitima.

Μίλησαν μεταξύ τους γι’αυτό το ζήτημα.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Spoke” (Past) in Egyptian Arabic 

“Spoke” (Past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Spoke” (Past) in Lebanese Arabic

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