“Speak” (future) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Speak” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) Htkalem

(You) Httkalem

(You, plural) Httkalemo

(He) Hytkalem

(She) Httkalem

(We) Hntkalem

(They) Hytkalemo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

هتكلم (I)

هتتكلم (You)

هتتكلموا (You, plural)

هيتكلم (He)

هتتكلم (She)

هنتكلم (We)

هيتكلموا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I will speak with the manager.”

Ana htkalem m3 almoder.

.انا هتكلم مع المدير

“You’re going to speak at the conference tomorrow.”

Enta httkalem fy almo2tamr bokra.

.انت هتتكلم في المؤتمر بكره

“Will you two speak to each other soon?”

Howa ento httkalemo m3 ba3d 2orayeb?

هو انتوا هتتكلموا مع بعض قريب؟

“She’ll speak with her coworkers about the promotion.”

Heya httkalem m3 so7abha fi al4o8l 3n altar2eyah.

.هي هتتكلم مع صحابها في الشغل عن الترقيه.

“He won’t speak in the conference.”

Howa m4 hytkalem fi almo2tamr.

.هو مش هيتكلم في المؤتمر

“The speaker will speak first.”

Almota7ades hytkalem al2awel.

.المتحدث هيتكلم الاول

“We’re going to speak at the conference.”

E7na Hntkalem fi almo2tamr.

.احنا هنتكلم في المؤتمر

“Are they going to speak with the manager?”

Homa hytkalemo m3 almoder?

هما هيتكلموا مع المدير؟

“They’re going to speak with a worker.”

Homa hytkalemo m3 3amel.

.هما هيتكلموا مع عامل


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Speak” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

“Speak” (future) in Tunisian Arabic


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