“Solve” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Solve” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Bech n7el

(You) Bech t7el

(You, plural) Bech t7ellou

(He) Bech y7el

(She) Bech t7el

(We) Bech n7ellou

(They) Bech y7ellou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

باش نحل (I)

باش تحل (You)

باش تحلّو (You, plural)

باش يحل (He)

باش تحل (She)

باش نحلّو (We)

باش يحلّو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I need to solve this issue by tonight.

Ena lezemni n7el el mochkla hedhi ellila.

.أنا لازمني نحل المشكلة هاذي الليلة

Are you sure you can solve this problem?

(m) Enti met2akked li tnajjem t7el el mochkla hedhi?

(f) Enti met2akda li tnajjem t7el el mochkla hedhi?

أنت متأكّد لي تنجّم تحل المشكلة هاذي؟ (m)

أنت متأكّدة لي تنجّم تحل المشكلة هاذي؟ (f)

Can you two solve this issue?

Tnajemo entom ezzouz t7ellou el mochkla hedhi?

تنجمو انتم الزوز تحلّو المشكلة هاذي؟

He is going to call her and solve the problem between them.

Howa bech ykallamha w bech y7el el mochkla binethom.

.هو باش يكلّمها باش يحل المشكلة بيناتهم

She couldn’t solve the riddle by herself.

Hiya ma najmetch t7el el lo8z wa7adha.

.هي ما نجمتش تحل اللغز وحدها

We can solve the problem together.

A7na nnajmou n7ellou el mochkla m3a b3adhna.

.أحنا ننجمو نحلّو المشكلة مع بعضنا

They are confident that they will solve the problem before the deadline.

Houma weth9in li houma bech y7ellou el mochkol 9bal el deadline.

.هوما واثقين لي هوما باش يحلّو المشكل قبل الديدلاين


Related words & phrases in Tunisian Arabic

“Problem Solved!” in Tunisian Arabic

“Problem”, “Problems” in Tunisian Arabic

“Solves” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Solved” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

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