"Six" (6) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Six" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is spelled as:


When “6” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"A pack of six bottles of water, please."

(m) Rezme men sete 2anane may, 2arjouk.

(f) Rezme men sete 2anane may, 2arjouke.

.رزمة من ستة قناني ماي، أرجوك (m)

.رزمة من ستة قناني ماي، أرجوكي (f)

"I’ll go buy a package of six water bottles."

Bade rouh 2eshtere rezme men sete 2anane may.

.بدي روح أشتري رزمة من ست قناني ماي

"Do you have water bottles in 1.5 Litres in packages of six?"

(m) 3andak 2anani may wahad ou nes litre bi rezme men set 2anani?

(f) 3andik 2anani may wahad ou nes litre bi rezme men set 2anani?

عندك قناني ماي واحد و نس لتر برزمة من ست قناني؟ (m)

عنديك قناني ماي واحد و نس لتر برزمة من ست قناني؟ (f)

"The restaurant opens at 6pm."

2al mat3am byiftah 2al se3a sete.

.المطعم بيفتح الساعة ستة

"The flight arrives at 6:05pm."

2al rehle btousal 2al se3a sete wa khamse masa2.

.الرحلة بتوصل الساعة ستة وخمسة مساء


Other numbers in Lebanese Arabic

“Five” (5) in Lebanese Arabic

“Seven” (7) in Lebanese Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Six” (6) in Egyptian Arabic

 “Six” (6) in Tunisian Arabic

 “Six” (6) in Turkish

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