"Signs" (third-person) in Turkish

In Turkish, "Signs" (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

"He signs the contracts for the company."

Şirket için evrakları imzalar.

"She always signs with blue ink."

Her zaman mavi mürekkeple imzalar.

"This musician signs autographs after each concert."

Bu müzisyen her konserden sonra imza veriyor.

(Editor's note: In the statement translation above, İmza veriyor is a verbal phrase that means "signs authorgraphs".)

"She signs many documents at work every day."

Her gün işte birçok evrak imzalıyor.

"He never signs contracts he hasn't read."

Okumadan hiçbir sözleşmeyi imzalamaz.

(Editor's note: İmzalamaz means "never signs" in the He, She, It form. (the suffix -maz put the word in the defirmative form))

Related words in Turkish

“Signature”, “Signatures” in Turkish

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

"Signs" (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

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