“Showered” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Showered” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Dawacht

(You) Dawacht

(You, plural) Dawachtou

(He) Dawech

(She) Dawchet

(We) Dawachna

(They) Dawchou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

دوّشت (I)

دوّشت (You)

دوّشتو  (You, plural)

دوّش (He)

دوّشت (She)

دوّشنا  (We)

دوّشو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I showered this morning.

Dawacht el sbe7.

.دوّشت الصباح

I didn’t shower this morning.

Madawachtech el sbe7.

.مدوّشتش الصباح

Why didn’t you shower this morning?

3lech madawachtech el sbe7?

علاش مدوّشتش الصباح؟

Did you shower already today?

Déjà dawacht lyoum?

ديجا دوّشت اليوم؟

Why haven’t you two showered yet today?

3lech mazeltou madawachtouch?

علاش مازلتو مدوّشتوش؟

He showered this morning.

Howa dawech el sbe7.

.هو دوّش الصباح

She showered last night before bed.

Heya dawchet lbera7 f lil 9bal ma tor9od.

.هي دوّشت البارح في الليل قبل مترقد

We showered earlier today.

Dawachna 9bila.

.دوّشنا قبيلا

The kids both said they showered this morning.

E zouz sghar 9alou eli houma dawchou el sbe7.

.الزوز صغار قالو الي هوما دوّشو الصباح


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Shower”, “Showers” (nouns) in Tunisian Arabic

“Bathroom”, “Bathrooms” in Tunisian Arabic

“Soap” (noun) in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Showered” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

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