“Should you…?” in Greek

In Greek, “Should you…?” is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:


Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Should you leave for the airport now?

Mipos na fygeis tora gia to aerodromio?

Μήπως να φύγεις τώρα για το αεροδρόμιο;

“Should you ask her first?”

Mipos na tin rotiseis prota?

Μήπως να την ρωτήσεις πρώτα;

“Should you go now?”

Mipos na fygeis tora?

Μήπως να φύγεις τώρα;

“Should you check with the manager?”

Mipos na to elegxete me ton manager?

Μήπως να το ελέγξετε με τον μάνατζερ;

“Should you call the bank?”

Mipos na pao tora sto magazi i argotera?

Μήπως να πάω τώρα στο μαγαζί ή αργότερα;

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Should you…?” in Lebanese Arabic

“Should you…?” in Tunisian Arabic

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