“Respect” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Respect” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Na7tarem

(You) Ta7tarem

(You, plural) Ta7tarmou

(He) Ya7tarem

(She) Ta7tarem

(We) Na7tarmou

(They) Ya7tarmou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نحترم (I)

تحترم (You)

تحترمو (You, plural)

يحترم (He)

تحترم (She)

نحترمو (We)

يحترمو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m going to respect your decision no matter what.”

Bech na7tarem 9araratek mahma sar.

.باش نحترم قراراتك مهما صار

“I won’t respect someone who lies to me.”

Manich bech na7tarem ensen kdheb 3leya.

.مانيش باش نحترم انسان كذب عليّا

“Will you respect my privacy?”

Tnajem ta7tarem khousousiti?

تنجم تحترم خصوصيتي؟

“Are you two going to respect the rules at the event?”

Bech ta7tarmou 9awe3ed el evenement?

باش تحترمو قواعد الايفينمون؟

“She’ll respect the tradition of her family.”

Bech ta7tarem el ta9alid mta3 3ayletha.

.باش تحترم التقاليد متاع عايلتها

“He’ll respect his colleagues’ opinions.”

Bech ya7tarem les opinions mte3 eli yekhdmou m3ah.

.باش يحترم لاي أوبينيون متاع الي يخدمو معاه

“We’ll respect each other’s differences.”

Bech na7tarmou ekhtilafet b3adhna.

.باش نحترمو اختلافات بعضنا

“They’ll respect the environment during their trip.”

Bech ya7tarmou el environement ki yemchiw fi re7la.

.باش يحترمو الاونفيرونمون كي يمشيو في رحلة


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