"Rental car", "Rental cars" in Egyptian Arabic
In Egyptian Arabic, "Rental car" is written using the Latin script as:
3arabeyah 2egar
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
عربية إيجار
In Egyptian Arabic, "Rental cars" is written using the Latin script as:
3arabeyat 2egar
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
عربيات إيجار
Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"It's a rental car."
De 3arabeyah 2egar.
.دي عربية إيجار
"I have the rental car for six days."
Ana m3aya 3arabeyah 2egar set ayam.
.انا معايا عربية إيجار ست ايام
"I need to return the rental car tomorrow."
Ana ma7tag 2raga3 el 3arabeyah el 2egar boukra.
.انا محتاج ارجع العربية الإيجار بكرة
"That's a rental car company."
De 4erkt ta2ger 3arabeyat.
.دي شركة تأجير عربيات
"We used a few rental cars on the trip."
E7na 2st5dmna 4ewayet 3arabeyat 2egar fe el re7lah.
.احنا استخدمنا شوية عربيات إيجار في الرحلة
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Rental car”, “Rental cars” in Lebanese Arabic
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