"Recyclable" in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Recyclable" (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
(Editor's note: In Tunisian Arabic, Recyclable / روسيكلابل is the most common way that speakers describe something or things that can be recycled. Unlike most adjectives in Tunisian Arabic, there is no alteration of this word based on the gender-designation of the noun its describing or whether what's being described is singular or plural—The word always remains the same.)
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Examples in sentences or statements
"Is this recyclable?"
(m) Recyclable hedha?
(f) Recyclable hedhi?
روسيكلابل هذا؟ (m)
روسيكلابل هاذي؟ (f)
"It's not recyclable."
(m) Mahouch recyclable.
(f) Mahich recyclable.
.ماهوش روسيكلابل (m)
.ماهيش روسيكلابل (f)
"That type of cup isn't recyclable."
El naw3 hedheka mel kisen mahouch recyclable.
.النوع هذاكا من الكيسان ماهوش روسيكلابل
"I don't know if it's recyclable."
(m) Mana3rafch ken hedha recyclable walla le.
(f) Mana3rafch ken hedhi recyclable walla le.
.مانعرفش كان هذا روسيكلابل ولاّ لا (m)
.مانعرفش كان هاذي روسيكلابل ولاّ لا (f)
"Those boxes are recyclable."
El snede9 hedhoukom recyclable.
.الصنادق هاذوكم روسيكلابل
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