“Receiving” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Receiving” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (masculine-based noun) 9e3ed youselni

(I) (feminine-based noun) 9e3da touselni

(I) (plural nouns) 9e3din youslouni

(You) (masculine-based noun) 9e3ed youslek

(You) (feminine-based noun) 9e3da touslek

(You) (plural nouns) 9e3din youslouk

(You, plural) (masculine-based noun) 9e3din youselkom

(You, plural) (feminine-based noun) 9e3din touselkom

(You, plural) (plural nouns) 9e3din yousloukom

(He) (masculine-based noun) 9e3ed youslou

(He) (feminine-based noun) 9e3da touslou

(He) (plural nouns) 9e3din youslouh

(She) (masculine-based noun) 9e3ed youselha

(She) (feminine-based noun) 9e3da touselha

(She) (plural nouns) 9e3din youslouha

(We) (masculine-based noun) 9e3ed youselna

(We) (feminine-based noun) 9e3da touselna

(We) (plural nouns) 9e3din youslouna

(They) (masculine-based noun) 9e3din youselhom

(They) (feminine-based noun) 9e3din touselhom

(They) (plural nouns) 9e3din youslouhom

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

قاعد يوصلني (masculine-based noun) (I)

قاعدة توصلني (feminine-based noun) (I)

قاعدين يوصلوني (plural nouns) (I)

قاعد يوصلك (masculine-based noun) (You)

قاعدة توصلك (feminine-based noun) (You)

قاعدين يوصلوك (plural nouns) (You)

قاعدين يوصلكم (masculine-based noun) (You, plural)

قاعدين توصلكم (feminine-based noun) (You, plural)

قاعدين يوصلوكم (plural nouns) (You, plural)

قاعد يوصلو (masculine-based noun) (He)

قاعدة توصلو (feminine-based noun) (He)

قاعدين يوصلوه (plural nouns) (He)

قاعد يوصلها (masculine-based noun) (She)

قاعدة توصلها (feminine-based noun) (She)

قاعدين يوصلوها (plural nouns) (She)

قاعد يوصلنا (masculine-based noun) (We)

قاعدة توصلنا (masculine-based noun) (We)

قاعدين يوصلونا (plural nouns) (We)

قاعد يوصلهم (masculine-based noun) (They)

قاعدة توصلهم (masculine-based noun) (They)

قاعدين يوصلوهم (plural nouns) (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I’m receiving messages from my sister.

9e3din youslouni messaget min o5ti.

.قاعدين يوصلوني ميساجات من أختي

You’re receiving messages from your brother.

9e3din youslouk messaget min 5ouk.

.قاعدين يوصلوك ميساجات من خوك

Who are you two receiving texts from?

Men 3and chkoun 9e3din yousloukom messaget?

من عند شكون قاعدين يوصلوكم ميساجات؟

He is receiving compliments for his painting.

9e3din youslouh des compliments 3la tableau mte3ou.

.قاعدين يوصلوه داي كومبليمون على التابلو متاعو

Her phone is buzzing because she is receiving messages from her best friend.

(male friend) Talifounha yvabri 3la 5ater 9e3din youslouha messaget men sa7abha l’intime.

(female friend) Talifounha yvabri 3la 5ater 9e3din youslouha messaget men sa7betha l’intime.

.تاليفونها يبفبري على خاطر قاعدين يوصلوها ميساجات من صاحبها الأنتيم (male friend)

.تاليفونها يبفبري على خاطر قاعدين يوصلوها ميساجات من صاحبتها الأنتيم (female friend)

Both of us are receiving messages from our parents right now.

A7na e zouz 9e3din youslouna messaget men weldina tawa.

.أحنا الزوز قاعدين يوصلونا ميساجات من والدينا توا

They are receiving messages from their girlfriends.

9e3din youslouhom messaget mel bnet li msou7binhom.

.قاعدين يوصلوهم ميساجات من البنات لي مصوحبينهم


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Giving” (something) (present) in Tunisian Arabic

“Receive” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Received” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

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