“Received” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Received” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (masculine-based noun) Wselni

(I) (feminine-based noun) Wesletni

(I) (plural nouns) Weslouni

(You) (masculine-based noun) Weslek

(You) (feminine-based noun) Wesletek

(You) (plural nouns) Weslouk

(You, plural) (masculine-based noun) Wselkom

(You, plural) (feminine-based noun) Wesletkom

(You, plural) (plural nouns) Wesloukom

(He) (masculine-based noun) Weslou

(He) (feminine-based noun) Wesletou

(He) (plural nouns) Weslouh

(She) (masculine-based noun) Wselha

(She) (feminine-based noun) Wesletha

(She) (plural nouns) Weslouha

(We) (masculine-based noun) Wselna

(We) (feminine-based noun) Wesletna

(We) (plural nouns) Weslouna

(They) (masculine-based noun) Wselhom

(They) (feminine-based noun) Weslethom

(They) (plural nouns) Weslouhom

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


وصلني (masculine-based noun) (I)

وصلتني (feminine-based noun) (I)

وصلوني (plural nouns) (I)

وصلك (masculine-based noun) (You)

وصلتك (feminine-based noun) (You)

وصلوك (plural nouns) (You)

وصلكم (masculine-based noun) (You, plural)

وصلتكم (feminine-based noun) (You, plural)

وصلوكم (plural nouns) (You, plural)

وصلو (masculine-based noun) (He)

وصلتو (feminine-based noun) (He)

وصلوه (plural nouns) (He)

وصلها (masculine-based noun) (She)

وصلتها (feminine-based noun) (She)

وصلوها (plural nouns) (She)

وصلنا (masculine-based noun) (We)

وصلتنا (feminine-based noun) (We)

وصلونا (plural nouns) (We)

وصلهم (masculine-based noun) (They)

وصلتهم (feminine-based noun) (They)

وصلوهم (plural nouns) (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I received my paycheck today.

Wesletni chahriti lyoum.

.وصلتني شهريتي اليوم

What did you receive from your husband on your birthday?

Chnou jeblek rajlek fin 3id miledek?

شنو جابلك راجلك في عيد ميلادك؟

Did you two receive any texts from her today?

Wesloukom minha messaget lyoum?

وصلوكم منها ميساجات اليوم؟

He received a confirmation email.

Weslou email mta3 confirmation.

.وصلو إيمايل متاع كونفيرماسيون

She received an invitation for her co-worker’s wedding.

(male co-worker) Wselha ested3a2 l 3ers zamilha.

(female co-worker) Wselha ested3a2 l 3ers zamiletha.

.وصلها استدعاء لعرس زميلها (male co-worker)

.وصلها استدعاء لعرس زميلتها (female co-worker)

We received a letter from a friend yesterday.

(male friend) Wesletna riselna men sa7abna emes.

(female friend) Wesletna risela men sa7betna emes.

.وصلتنا رسالة من صاحبنا آمس (male friend)

.وصلتنا رسالة من صاحبتنا آمس (female friend)

We haven’t received any texts from him these past few weeks.

Maweslouna 7atta messaget men 3ando e jom3at li fetou.

.ماوصلونا حتّى ميساجات من عندو الجمعات لي فاتو


They both received messages from their girlfriends.

E zouz weslouhom messaget men 3and lbnet li msou7binhom.

.الزوز وصلوهم ميساجات من عند البنات لي مصوحبينهم


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Gave” (something) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Receive” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Receiving” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

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