“Ready” in Greek

In Greek, “Ready” (the adjective, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

(masculine-based noun) Etoimos

(feminine-based noun) Etoimi

(neutral-based noun) Etoimo

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(masculine-based noun) Έτοιμος

(feminine-based noun) Έτοιμη

(neutral-based noun) Έτοιμο

In Greek, “Ready” (plural form) is written using the Latin script as:

(masculine-based noun) Etoimoi

(feminine-based noun) Etoimes

(neutral-based noun) Etoima

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(masculine-based noun) Έτοιμοι

(feminine-based noun) Έτοιμες

(neutral-based noun) Έτοιμα

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Are you ready?

Eisai etoimos?

Είσαι έτοιμος;

The food is ready.

To fagito einai etoimo.

Το φαγητό είναι έτοιμο.

I’ll be ready in five minutes.

Tha eimai etoimi se pente lepta.

Θα είμαι έτοιμη σε πέντε λεπτά.

She’s not ready yet.

Den einai etoimi akoma.

Δεν είναι έτοιμη ακόμα.

We’re ready to leave.

Eimaste etoimoi na figoume.

Είμαστε έτοιμοι να φύγουμε.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Ready” in Egyptian Arabic

“Ready” in Tunisian Arabic

“Ready” in Turkish

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