“Rate” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Rate” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) N9ayem

(You) T9ayem

(You, plural) T9aymou

(He) Y9ayem

(She) T9ayem

(We) N9aymou

(They) Y9aymou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نقيم (I)

تقيم (You)

تقيموا (You, plural)

يقيم (He)

تقيم (She)

نقيموا (We)

يقيموا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I’ll rate this restaurant high.

To n9ayem l resto hetha b behi.

.تو نقيم الرستو هذا بالباهي

Are you going to rate this cafe?

Mechi bch t9ayem l 9ahwa?

ماشي بش تقيم القهوة؟

You two should rate this app.

Ntouma ezouz 7a9kom t9aymou l app hethi.

.أنتم الزوز حقكم تقيموا الآپ هذه

He said he’ll rate this restaurant.

Houa 9al bch y9ayem l resto hetha.

.هو قال بش يقيم الرستو هذا

He won’t rate it well.

Houa mehouch bch y9ayemha b behi.

.هو ماهوش بش يقيمها بالباهي

She will rate the store on the app.”

Hia bch t9ayem l 7anout 3l app.

3000هي بش تقيم الحانوت على الآپ

We’ll rate the hotel’s service.

To n9aymou l service l hotel.

.تو نقيموا سرڢيس الهوتال

They’re going to rate the app low.

Houma bch y9aymou l app b 5ayeb.

.هوما بش يقيموا الآپ بالخايب

The customers will rate the product online.

L clionet bch y9aymou l produit en ligne.

.الكليونات بش يقيموا الپرودوي أنلين


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