“Promenade”, “Promenades” in Turkish

In Turkish, “Promenade” (the noun) is written as:


In Turkish, “Promenades” (the noun) is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“We walked along the promenade.”

Kordonda yürüdük.

“The promenade is by the sea.”

Kordon denizin kenarında.

“This promenade is very beautiful.”

Bu kordon çok güzel.

“The city has many promenades.”

Şehirde bir sürü kordon var.

“The promenades are busy at this time of the day.”

Kordonlar bu saatte kalabalık oluyor.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Promenade”, “Promenades” in Tunisian Arabic

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