“Potential” (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Potential” (the adjective) is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

There is a potential I’m getting a raise at work!”

İşte zam alma ihtimalim var.

“He is a potential candidate for the job.”

Pozisyon için potansiyel bir üye.

“I have two potential investors for the business.”

İş için iki potansiyel yatırımcım var.

“I made two potential sales today.”

Bugün iki potansiyel satış yaptım.

(as a noun) “That team has a lot of potential to win the tournament.”

Bu takımın turnuvayı kazanmak için çok fazla potansiyeli var.

Related words in Turkish

“Potential” (noun) in Turkish

“Maybe” in Turkish

“Probably” in Turkish

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Potential” (adjective) in Tunisian Arabic

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