“Popped” (air) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Popped” (the verb, in the context of air, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Tarcha9t

(You) Tarcha9t

(You, plural) Tarcha9tou

(He) Tarche9

(She) Tarch9et

(We) Tarcha9na

(They) Tarch9ou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

طرشقت (I)

طرشقت (You)

طرشقتو (You, plural)

طرشق (He)

طرشقت (She)

طرشقنا (We)

طرشقو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I popped the balloon yesterday.”

Tarcha9t lamboula lbera7.

.طرشقت الأمبولة البارح

“I didn’t pop the balloon.”

Matarcha9tech lamboula.

.مطرشقتش الأمبولة

“Did you pop the balloons last night?”

Tarcha9t lambeyel lbera7?

طرشقت الأمبولة البارح؟

“He popped the balloons at midnight.”

Tarche9 lambeyel m3a nos elil.

.طرشق الأمبايل مع نص الليل

“She popped the balloons for the celebration.”

Tarch9et lambeyel lel e7tifel.

.طرشقت الأمبايل للاحتفال

“Who popped the balloons?”

Chkoun tarche9 lambeyel?

شكون طرشق الأمبايل؟

“We popped all the balloons.”

Tarcha9na lambeyel lkol.

.طرشقنا الأمبايل الكل

“They popped balloons to celebrate.”

Tarch9ou ambeyel bech ye7taflou.

.طرشقو أمبايل باش يحتفلو


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