“Play” (enjoyment) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Play” (the verb, in the context of enjoyment, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Nel3ab

(You) Tel3ab

(You, plural) Tela3bou

(He) Yel3ab

(She) Tel3ab

(We) Nela3bou

(They) Yela3bou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نلعب (I)

تلعب (You)

تلعبو (You, plural)

يلعب (He)

تلعب (She)

نلعبو (We)

يلعبو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Do you want to go play?”

T7eb temchi tel3ab?

تحب تمشي تلعب؟

“What game do you want to play?”

Chnoua t7eb tel3ab?

شنوة تحب تلعب؟

“I can’t play right now. How about in an hour?”

Manejemch nel3ab taw. Ch9awlek ba3d se3a?

 مانجمش نلعب تو. شقولك بعد ساعة؟

“Mommy, can I go outside and play with my friends?”

Ommi, najem nokhrej nel3ab m3a s7abi lbarra?

أمّي، انّجم نخرج نلعب مع صحابي البرّا؟

“Do you want to play a card game?”

T7eb nela3bou carta?

تحب نلعبو كارتة؟

“Are you two going to play with us?”

Bech tela3bou m3ana?

بش تلعبو معانا؟

“He is going to play a new song at today’s concert.”

Bech yel3ab ghneya jdida f 7aflet lyoum.

.بش يلعب غناية جديدة في حفلة اليوم

“She is going to play the violin for us later.”

Bech tel3ab bel kamanja mba3d chwaya.

.بش تلعب بالكمنجة بعد شوية

“We are going to play cards tonight.”

Bech nela3bou carta ellila.

.بش نلعبو كارطة اللّيلة

“They are going to play football with their friends on Saturday.”

Bech yela3bou foot m3a s7abhom nhar essebt.

.بش يلعبو فوت مع صحابهم نهار السبت


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