“Plant” (future) in Greek

In Greek, "Plant" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Tha fitepso

(You) Tha fitepseis

(You, formal) Tha fitepsete

(You, plural) Tha fitepsete

(He, She, It) Tha fitepsei

(We) Tha fitepsoume

(They) Tha fitepsoun

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Θα φυτέψω

(You) Θα φυτέψεις

(You, formal) Θα φυτέψετε

(You, plural) Θα φυτέψετε

(He, She, It) Θα φυτέψει

(We) Θα φυτέψουμε

(They) Θα φυτέψουν

Listen to these phrases pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I am going to plant a tree in the backyard."

Tha fitepso ena dentro stin piso avli.

Θα φυτέψω ένα δέντρο στην πίσω αυλή.

"I’m not going to plant any flowers this season."

Den tha fitepso katholou louloudia afti tin periodo.

Δεν θα φυτέψουν καθόλου λουλούδια αυτή την περίοδο.

"What will you plant?"

Ti tha fitepseis?

Τι θα φυτέψεις;

"Will you two plant seeds together tomorrow?"

Tha fitepsete sporous oi dio sas avrio?

Θα φυτέψετε σπόρους οι δυο σας αύριο;

"He will plant some vines along the fence."

Tha fitepsei ampelia ston fraxti.

Θα φυτέψει αμπέλια στον φράχτη.

"She’s going to plant herbs in her kitchen garden."

Tha fitepsei mirodika stin avli tis kouzinas.

Θα φυτέψει μυρωδικά στην αυλή της κουζίνας.

''She won't plant anything.''

Den tha fitepsei tipota.

Δεν θα φυτέψει τίποτα.

''We will plant some roses next month.''

Tha fitepsoume kapoia triantafilla ton epomeno mina.

Θα φυτέψουμε κάποια τριαντάφυλλα τον επόμενο μήνα.

''They’re going to plant tulips in the spring.''

Tha fitepsoun toulipes tin anoiksi.

Θα φυτέψουν τουλίπες την άνοιξη.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Plant” (future) in Lebanese Arabic

“Plant” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Plant” (future) (verb) in Turkish

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