“Piled” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Piled” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Kaddast

(You) Kaddast

(You, plural) Kaddastou

(He) Kaddes

(She) Kaddset

(We) Kaddasna

(They) Kaddsou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

كدّست (I)

كدّست (You)

كدّستوا (You, plural)

كدّس (He)

كدّست (She)

كدّسنا (We)

كدّسوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I piled the books neatly on the desk.

Kaddast lktob mnadhmin fou9 el bureau.

.كدّست الكتب منظمين فوق البيرو

Did you pile the laundry in the basket?

Kaddast e saboun fel corbeille?

كدّست الصابون في الكورباي؟

Where did you pile the paperwork?

Win kaddast lawra9?

وين كدّست الأوراق؟

He piled the empty boxes in the basement.

Kaddas e sneda9 el ferghin fel sous-sol.

.كدّس الصنادق الفارغين في السوسول

She piled the clean laundry on the bed.

Kaddset e saboun e ndhif fou9 el farch.

.كدّست الصابون النظيف فوق الفرش

We piled the firewood next to the fireplace.

Kaddasna l7tab bjnab e cheminée.

.كدّسنا الحطب بجنب الشيميني

They piled everything into three stacks.

Kaddsou kol chay fi thletha kwem.

.كدّسوا كل شيء في ثلاثة كوم


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