“Pile” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Pile” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Nkaddes

(You) Tkaddes

(You, plural) Tkaddsou

(He) Ykaddes

(She) Tkaddes

(We) Nkaddsou

(They) Ykaddsou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نكدّس (I)

تكدّس (You)

تكدّسو (You, plural)

يكدّس (He)

تكدّس (She)

نكدّسو (We)

يكّسوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I am going to pile the paperwork here.

Bech nkaddas lawra9 houni.

.باش نكدّس الأوراق هوني

Can you pile the firewood here?

Tnajem tkaddas l7tab houni?

تنجم تكدّس الحطب هوني؟

Where are you going to pile these books?

Win bech tkaddas lktob hedhom?

وين باش تكدّس الكتب هاذم؟

You two can pile the stuff here.

Tnajmou tkaddsou el 7ajet houni.

.تنجمو تكدّسو الحاجات هوني

He is going to pile his books on his desk before going to bed.

Bech ykaddas lktob mte3ou fou9 burouh 9bal mayched farchou.

.باش يكدّس الكتب متاعو فوق بيروه قبل مايشد فرشو

She is going to pile the laundry in that basket and wash it later.

Bech tkadas e saboun fel corbeille heka w taghselou ba3d.

.باش تكدس الصابون في الكورباي هاكا وتغسلو بعد

We will pile the firewood next to the shed.

Bech nkaddsou l7tab bjnab bit l5zin.

.باش نكدّسو الحطب بجنب بيت الخزين

They are going to pile the luggage in the trunk.

Bech ykaddsou el bagage fel malle.

.باش يكدّسو الباقاج في المال


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