“PhD”, “PhDs” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “PhD” (the noun, as in the graduate level degree) is written using the Latin script as:

(f) Doctorat

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

دكتوراه (f)

In Tunisian Arabic, “PhDs” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

Des doctorats

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

داي دكتوراه

Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I will complete my PhD in a couple of months.”

Bech nkamel el doctorat mte3i chahrin okhrin.

.باش نكمّل الدكتوراه متاعي شهرين أخرين

“She earned her PhD in psychology.”

Khdhet el doctorat mte3ha fel psychologie.

.خذات الدكتوراه متاعها في البسيكولوجي

“The PhD program requires several years of research.”

Programme el doctorat lezmou barcha snin mta3 recherche.

.برڨرام الدكتوراه لازمة برشا سنين متاع روشارش

“They offer scholarships for students pursuing PhDs.”

Ya3tiw des bourses lel talaba eli y7ebou yakmlou les doctorats mte3hom.

.يعطيو داي بورس للطلبة الي يحبو يكمّلو لاي دكتوراه متاعهم

“The panel consisted of experts with PhDs in various disciplines.”

El lajna feha khoubara2 3andhom des doctorats fi barcha mayedin.

.اللجنة فيها خبراء عندهم داي دكتوراه في برشا ميادين


Related terms in Tunisian Arabic

“Master’s degree”, “Master’s degrees” in Tunisian Arabic

“Undergraduate degree”, “Undergraduate degrees” in Tunisian Arabic

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