“Petal”, “Petals” (flower part) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Petal” (the noun, as in the part of a flower) is written as:


In Turkish, “Petals” (the noun) is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“The rose petals are soft.”

Gül yaparakları yumuşak.

“A single petal fell from the flower.”

Çiçekten tek bir yaprak düştü.

“The petals are bright yellow.”

Yapraklar parlak sarı.

“She collected petals for the bouquet.”

Buket için çiçek yaprakları topladı.

“This flower has five petals.”

Bu çiçeğin beş yaprağı var.

Related words in Turkish

“Flower”, “Flowers” in Turkish

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