“Paving” (present) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Paving” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) 3ambmahid

(You) (m) 3ambetmahid

(You) (f) 3ambetmahde

(You, plural) 3ambetmahdo

(He) 3ambimahid

(She) 3ambetmahid

(We) 3amenmahid

(They) 3ambimahdo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

عمبمحيد (I)

عمبيتمحيد (m) (You)

عمبتمحدي (f) (You)

عمبتمحدو (You, plural)

عمبيمحيد (He)

عمبتمحيد (She)

عمنمحيد (We)

عمبيمحدو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m paving this driveway right now.”

3ambmahid 2al tari2 hala2.

.عمبمحيد ألتريق حلاق

“Are you paving it?”

(m) 3ambetmaheda?

(f) 3ambetmahdiya?

عمبتمحدا؟ (m)

عمبتمحديا؟ (f)

“The company is outside paving the driveway.”

2al sherke bara 3ambimahdo.

.ألشركي بارا عمبيمحدو

“My uncle is paving our driveway right now.”

3ame 3ambimahid tari2na hala2.

.عامي عمبيمحيد تريقنا حلاق

“They are paving the highway up ahead.”

3ambimahdo 2al autostrad.

.عمبيمحدو ألقوتوستراد

“We are paving this street right now.”

3amenmahid 2al tari2 hala2.

.عمنمحيد ألتريق حلاق

“They said that they are paving the street.”

2alo 2eno 3ambimahdo 2al tari2.

.قالو أنو عمبيمحدو ألتريق


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