"Pavement" in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Pavement" (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Rasef

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

رصيف (m)

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Examples in sentences or statements

"It's a new pavement."

Dh rasef gded.

.ده رصيف جديد

"They are putting new pavement on this highway next week."

Homa hay7oto rasef gded 3la el tare2 dh el 2sbo3 el gay.

.هما هيحطه رصيف جديد علي الطريق ده الاسبوع الجاي

"The pavement is dried."

El rasef metgafef.

.الرصيف متجفف

"The pavement is cracked."

El rasef ma42o2.

.الرصيف مشقوق

"This looks like fresh pavement."

Dh 4aklo rasef gded.

.ده شكله رصيف جديد


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Pavement” in Lebanese Arabic

“Pavement” in Turkish

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